Breath Taking

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I sat in the car with Sophie, on our way to a place to get our dresses for the Tomlinson Ball. I have no idea what I'm going to find. I just hope to God that it's something that makes me look at least a bit decent for this kind of occasion.

"I have faith in you Bella," She says with a straight face. I roll my eyes.

"It is just a dress Sophie, please relax."

"I know, but this is my step-brother we are talking about. He likes everything perfect and just god," I chuckle lightly. "Don't worry Sophie I won't embarrass you," I coo lightly, with a smirk on my face.

"Better not," She grumbles and I laugh.

We finally make it to a dress store. It's quite big. We park and walk inside the store. Every dress that flowed where it hung was absolutely beautiful. Different types of dresses. Different colors and such. I still can't believe I agreed to go. God help me.


Harry's point of view.

My hand glides carefully over the skin, careful in each detail. The sound of the machine is in the room. I trace over the particular design. Each movement the customer flinches. I smirk to myself. "Just calm your nerves and relax." He inhales a deep breath, the young teen shuts his eyes. His father is next to him, patting his shoulder. "Just a few more minutes son, hang in there." He chuckles lightly and stares at his son. I clench my jaw, not being able to push back certain memories. I unclench my jaw and exhale a breath. "What made you want to get this tattoo?" I try to ease my anger and the boys pain. He looks over at me and smiles a bit blush creeping on his cheeks. "My girlfriend." I nod my head, remembering my tattoo I marked onto my skin just the other night. Belle.

"Don't you think this a big commitment?" He nods and opens his mouth to speak. "I love her though, and she loves me, too." I chew on the inside of my lip.

Fuck my life. Why can't my life be that way?

I finish up his tattoo and clear up the extra ink. He stands up and looks at the large mirror that stands on the wall. The large inked tattoo that sprawls on his chest is a heart with a hand print on it. He traces his finger over it slightly, smiling to himself. "Thank you, sir," He turns to me and takes his hand out for me to shake. I oblige and shake his hand, mustering up a smile for the poor kid in love. It was sickning.

"No problem," His father smiles warmly at me and nods his head. They both go up to Malik and pay, leaving me with my thoughts alone. The phone starts to ring and I glide myself with the rolly chair towards it. "Styles Ink," I say into the phone.

"Um, yes hi, is Harry Styles there?" My stomach drops and my palms get sweaty. That voice. How did he find me? I gulp. "This is he." I state.

"H-Harry? Do you remember me?" Of course I remember him. He was the one that helped me through the roughest time of my life. He was the one to always put me in a good mood. How could I not? "Lou? Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me mate," He lets out a gasped laugh. I smile to myself. "How are you?" He asks. "I-I'm doing good Louis, how are you? How is everyone and everything?"

"Everyone and everything is good, and I've been good...actually that's why I called, Harry." I furrow my brows, scratching the back of my neck. "What's up?"

I stand up and start puting things up. "Well, Im actually in New Hampshire, and I'm inviting you to a ball Im hosting. What do you say?" I bite my lip and think. "Um, yeah sure, when is it?"

"This Saturday, at 7:00 pm. All men must wear a  black tux." He states firmly. I chuckle and Louis joins. "Alright, see you then."

"See you there Styles." We hang up and I continue my day as usual.

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