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I came to a point in my life that I don't give an honest fuck about what happens to anyone except for one person. I think it's just that part of my soul that cant give up on this girl. This girl I don't know how I found her. This girl that made me weak to the bone. She was my new start in life. My new view on life. She made me happy. She made me feel so differently; the perspective of love. I never felt this way about her. I think it was just lust and admiring the idea of being loved that way. I loved the idea that she supposedly loved me that way. 

But ever since the accident I know it wasn't what I thought it was. She was trying to get back at me. For what, I don't have a clue. She's clearly fucked up in the brain. Completely and utterly mental and I'm still surprised she still hasn't got caught. 

Bella lays next to me on the hotel bed, her breathing soft. She traces my bare abdomen, staring and examining the ink across my stomach. "I like this," She mumbles. I look down at her, kissing her temple. "Why's that?" I ask quietly. "Hmm, it shows you have a feminine side," She holds in her laughter. My eyes are wide and my mouth is agape. "Feminine side?" I scoff. "I'm anything but feminine, baby." I whisper while trailing my hand to her front. Her breath hitches and her hand stops it's tracing. "H-Harry, s-stop." She stutters. I feel her body temperature rise through the fabric of my shirt she wears. "Why?" I ask, teasing. 

"Harry, I said stop." I look at her face; flushed and red. "Okay, okay," I chuckle.  "You're an ass." She huffs. I see her lips tug slightly at the corners. I lower my head to her neck and leave a small kiss. "No, but I like yours." I growl and she swats my arm playfully. "I'm in love with a pervert."

My hand finds its way under her shirt, rubbing her smooth skin. "And I'm in love with a beautiful girl," I murmur softly. Bella looks at me kissing my jaw softly. "Hmm, why do I feel like you're just saying those things to take my innocence...." I scoff. "Please love, I've wanted to fuck you the day I saw you but clearly I held myself. Look what happened there. I fell in love." Bella sucks in a breath. Her hand goes to my chest, tracing my swallows. "Harry, I need to know you. I mean, I fell in love with someone I barely know, and I'm still trying to understand how." I inhale. "I know, Belle, I know. I just need you to cope with the fact that this, all of this, it was my past. None of it matters anymore. Only you matter to me. Okay?" She nods slowly whispering an 'okay.' I bite my lip. "Bella....kiss me first."

Bella inhales a sharp breath, her hands gripping my neck and pulling my face close to hers. She stares at my eyes then my lips. She opens her mouth to speak. "Every time I kiss you, I feel something....something un-describable." Her lips meet mine; my chest aching greatly at how this feels. It feels so perfect, so surreal.

I capture her bottom lip, caressing it with my tongue. She bites mine, causing a groan so erupt from my throat. I clench my jaw. "I love you, and only you. You understand that, right Belle?" My hand rests on her cheek, my thumb caressing her lip. She nods and lets out a shaky breath. "I understand." She answers quietly. I close my eyes and nod, gripping her thighs and bringing her to sit on my torso. Her hands rest on my chest and she breathes heavily. My hands snake up her thighs slowly. Her body reacts to mine so easily.  I feel the heat from hers coursing it's way, out. It's like our bodies were made for each other.

"Talk to me Harry," She murmurs softly. I lick my lips, nodding my head slightly. "Okay," I inhale a shaky breath. I look into Bellas confused, curious eyes and begin. "Bella, do you remember when I told you that my family d-died?" My stomach churns, but I pull through.
Get your shit together Styles, you have to tell her.

My beautiful Belle nods, her eyes glazed over. My hand rests on her neck. She sets her hand on my forearm. "They, they died in a fire." Bella takes in a sharp breath. My lips quiver. "Harry you don't have to," She says, hurt laced in her voice. "No, love I have to. I...I want to." Bella nods and I continue. "I had a girlfriend, I was just in the middle of my second year of college, and we were doing fine you know? I mean, I thought I loved the girl....and I thought she loved me too."

"Clearly I was wrong. We got into this huge fight. She was so pissed and I didnt know why. I went home after a few days. We havent talked in days after the fight, she probably needed space you know? To cool off." Bellas eyes stay on mine, her hands rubbing my chest softly. I take in a shaky breath. "I was going home one night from Uni, and I was just coming around the corner of my house and saw smoke. By the time I got there the house was burnt down and the firefighters put it out as much as they could.....they didn't find my family. And, i-it was too late." My voice cracks and I close my eyes. I feel Bella wrap her arms around my neck, burying her face in the crook of it. She sniffles. "Im so sorry, Harry. That must have been so hard." My hands hold her waist, pulling her close to my body. "It's okay love. I knew though that she was behind it. After the accident, I moved into my childhood friend Louis' flat, after that I dropped out of college." Bellas head shoots up and a confused look on her face. "Louis as in Tomlinson? The one that was hosting the ball?" I nod my head furrowing my brows. "Oh, well he's Sophies step- brother." I raise my brows. Then it clicks.

"Sophie and I will go to the family members." It made sense now, they were related.

"Woah, that's plot twist there." I chuckle lightly. Bella smirks and nods. Her green eyes stare into mine. "So what are we going to do....about all of this?" She asks. I bite my lip.

"I need to call Louis and tell him. He knows lots of people and if we get the right evidence, we could put her behind bars." Bella nods slowly, taking in the information. I remember that she needs to get some things to get her by this period. "Later tonight we'll go to the nearest mall and get you some things, yeah? Bella scoffs. "I said I dont need you buying me things Harry."  I roll my eyes, gripping her thighs. "I dont care what you said because I want to buy you things. Why do you argue so much? So stubborn." I mumble to myself with a smirk.

Hope you enjoyed! All the love x


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