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Chapter song: Drag me down- One direction (obviously no shit sherlock)



He thought she was the fire, but little did he know, they both were the flame.

The same night Bella fell asleep, I didn't have it in me to sleep. I was too hyped up and I wanted to get things settled with her. I was remotely excited for our journey ahead of us. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with the girl I fell in love with.

I left her room, and went outside to make a few calls. After that, I decided to get her breakfast, but considering she doesn't eat much, which I do have to scold her for, I go to Starbucks and get her the usual vanilla cream, and got her a blueberry muffin. After that, I headed to Party Center and got her some balloons. I decided a stuffed animal wouldn't hurt either. Choosing a panda, I pay and leave, heading back to the hospital.

I'm careful not to drop the things and walk inside quietly, I walk around the curtain to see Bella wide awake, looking outside the window. She hears my footsteps and looks my way, smiling softly. "Hi," She murmirs softly.

I set down the balloons, and hand her the panda seeing her eyes soften already than they were, making my heart melt. I sat down, the coffee and bag with the muffin still in my hand, waiting for her blazing green eyes to meet mine again. And when they do, I let out a small gasp and smile sheepishly at her. "Feeling any better?" I ask softly.

She bites her lip, a grin sepressing. "Much better,"

"Ah, I had to bribe you some way," She scowls playfully.

"Asshat." She mutters, a smirk on her lips.

I let my face get a little closer to hers, kissing her lips tenderly; slowly. She sighs and flutters her eyes open, nose nudging mine.

"Love you," She murmurs quietly. I smile.

"Love you." I mumble, pecking her lips once more, and pull back, handing her the coffee and muffin. She mumbles a small thank you and sips her coffee quietly and nibbles on the muffin.

I let out a quiet chuckle. "You're like a rabbit," She stops her small nibbling and looks at me; dead in the eye. I bite my lip, a grin trying it's best to make its way on my face.

"You wanna repeat that, Styles?" She says, a few crumbs falling off her lips. I let out a laugh and her face turns a crism color. I cease my laughing and rest my hand on her stomach, my fingers rubbing circles. "I was kidding.. you're an adorable rabbit, how about that?" She takes a piece of the muffin, stuffing it in my mouth, and I struggle keeping it in there.

"An adorable, bunny." I laugh softly and nuzzle my face in the crook of her neck, mumbling an okay, a smile on my lips. I kiss her shoulder and raise my head, enjoying my beautiful girl.

My girl.

My soon to be wife. My stomach flips at the thought and I grin, Bella notices and puts her food on the side table and runs her fingers through my hair; my grin never leaving.

"Why are you grinning?" She asks, her eyes concentrated on my locks. She continues to play with my long hair until I speak.

"Because you're gonna be my wife soon," her eyes find mine for a split second, then back to my hair, running and scratching my scalp softly. I hum.
"Is that so?" My eyes trail over her features. Eyes vibrant, lashes long, lips a soft pink, cheeks pale, collarbones visible, outline of her breast visible.

I look back up to her eyes; eyes that weren't on mine.. yet.

"I'd want nothing more." I whisper. I lick my lips and watch her slowly rest her hand on my neck, one on cheek, thumb grazing my jaw. Her eyes gaze into mine. A playful smirk on her mouth.

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