Gun Shot

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Chapter song: I still love him- Lana Del Rey

Please listen to the song. It gives the emotion for the chapter. All the love x


My eyes were closed after the loud sound of the gun going off. It only took me seconds to open them to reveal Drew laying on the floor lifeless. Bile raised up and I thought I was going to pass out from the sight in front of me. My eyes kept on opening and closing and my hand pushed into Harry's hard back. My breaths were coming out in gasps and I was trying to take in a normal breath.

Harry turned to me and his forehead rested on mine. "Calm down and deep breaths." I nodded while my eyes were closed. I felt him turn around as I took in deep breaths, trying to calm down.

"You know April, doing all of this, isn't going to get you anywhere." Harry's raspy voice echoed throughout the parlor and I was trying my best not to breakdown at all of this.

"Yes it will. You don't know shit Styles." The gun in her hand rose at Harry and I gasped, tears welling in my eyes. It only took me a few moments to register that I had the gun, resting on my back, and my hands were at the perfect angle to get it. I just needed the right time, and I'd aim it at her. I could get her. I could end her. End all of this.

"Well, that's pretty obvious. I don't. I don't know why you burnt my family alive. I don't know why you ruined my life. I don't know why you came across the ocean just to fucking kill me, so please do us all a favour and tell me, why?" April only sneers, while stepping closer to us. Harry stood tall, not showing any type of fear.

But, that's what made him Harry. Because he would fuck up fear.

"Why? Let's see... You had fortune my family was in need of, and you were my only source of living." Harry scoffs.

"This is what this bullshit is about? Fucking money?" Harry's voice was dripping with venom and disgust and I was shocked.

Someone would kill innocent lives just for money? What the fuck is wrong with this world? Matter of a fact, what's the wrong with the people living in it?

"Unfortunately yes, Harry it's about money. It's about how you had a life that was so much better than mine. Everything was practically handed to you!"

There was a small pause; her glare burning into his stare. "I was just using you."

"Look where that got you, wanted and with no one by your side." She only grits her teeth.

At the corner of my eye I saw Zayn. My heartbeat picked up and he only motioned me to stay quiet. I saw Niall and Liam by his side. Even Louis was there. They were all here. This was gonna end. But I had to do something.
"I don't care anymore. I don't care that I don't have anyone by my side. I want you dead. And your precious lover, too." I only clench my jaw.

"You're too much of a pussy to pull that trigger, April." I was shocked at my own words towards the dark eyed girl. It was obvious she was too, because her brows raised in amusement. "Oh really?" I nodded.

"Really." My voice lowered an octave, as my hands gripped the gun, the trigger just in my reach. I pulled it out, making sure it was levelled where I wanted.

If I just shot once, I could her her distracted. And so, her eyes flickered between mine and Harry's, her smirk coy. I just kissed Harry's shoulder and whispered, "Trust me." The small tug of his hands on my shirt gave me my conformation and I knew I could do this.

It was only up to me.

So I closed my eyes, and I curled my finger around the trigger, and with one tiny move, it went off and all hell broke loose.

I opened my eyes quickly in a swift move and Harry pushed me back; my back hitting against the wall. He ran to the tattoo room and I saw him try and cut the wire that was securely around his hands. I saw April walking towards me with an angered look on her face and the gun pointed at me. My heart hammeredagainst my ribcage and I pray that the fucking wire around his hands was cut already.

"You're nothing," I spit. She only smirked.

"Correction doll, he's nothing," My gaze glanced to the room and I saw Harry looking at me. He had a gun in his hand and I blinked my eyes reassuring. I mouthed it's okay, and turned my head before I could see him react.

I stepped forward, clenching my jaw tightly. I pressed my chest against the tip of the gun and saw her smirk deeped. "Bella no!" I ignored Harry's plea, and looked her straight in the eye. "You know nothing about him. You're sick." I lock my jaw and see her curl her finger around the trigger. My eyes flickered from the gun, to her eyes, and then to Harry, that was just standing with a heartbroken look on his face.

I turned back to his dark past and looked dead in her eye. "Do it." I said with a strong voice.

So I tried.

She just smirked, and everything sort of happened so fast I didn't know it was actually happening. Harry's piercing scream blurred my hearing as for two gun shots. My mind had to catch up to my body as for the whole situation wasn't making any sense to me. Harry's frantic wide eyes were staring at me, his mouth was moving in slow motion, and I saw Liam and Niall running inside with Zayn and Louis.

I didn't know if I was imagining or hearing things, but all I could comprehend was the way Harry's eyes were red with tears, and all he was saying to me was keep your eyes open baby, I've got you. I always do, I l-love you so much.. Stay with me, don't you dare fucking leave me.

My eyes drifted shut for a second, then I opened them up again to see Liam cuffing up April, and Zayn and Louis by my side. I heard Niall's voice booming, I could hear him saying, She needs an ambulance now! Hurry the bloody hell up!

I moved my head to the side to see Harry, tear stained cheeks while he was biting his lip, I swear I thought I saw blood. But.. I donno, maybe it was the blood on his hands that I mistakened it for. I smiled weakly at him. "It's okay," I whispered, trying to speak. My voice was low and exhausted. I felt a short pain in the side of my stomach and I hissed quietly.

Harry just whimpered. "Somebody get a fucking ambulance! For the love of God please!" He looked down at me, his hand resting on my cheek. "I can't lose someone I love again, please,"

Those were the only words I heard, and my eyes drifted shut, and everything turned into this black world of unknown love and pain.

And I remember when I met him, it was so clear that he was the only one for me. We both knew it, right away. - I still Love him

Hope you enjoyed (: comment what you think and remember to vote x All the love x

Twitter: loverstylesxx

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