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Short note: chapter will be told in the third person x


Things for Bella and Harry changed incredibly in the past two years and a half. They met each other and fell in love. They been through hell but got through it. They had a baby together and got married. They both knew once they'd been in each others presence, they were inseparable.

From the first touch, they both craved one another. From the first kiss, stubborn hearts were fuzzy. They both were falling in love in the oddest yet most tragic way.

And so, they both sat in the middle of the living room with Bella's mother, and Sophia and Mr. Martinez, with their little baby boy, named Daniel. His little faint dimples and bright green eyes were a gene of both Harry and Bella, ash brown wavy hair, a mixture of their own hair.

Bella smiled as the cake took up most the table, but the smile on her sons face was all that mattered. Harry admired his small family. He was grateful for what he has. He knows he can't take things for granted. He knows because if he lost Bella or Daniel, he'd lose himself.

But he grabbed Bella's hand, her eyes meeting his as she whispered to Daniel to blowout the candle that stuck up, he giggled and bounced around in her arms, Bella's mother and Sophia taking a video of it all.

They all knew that things were much better. They all knew Harry was better. Hell Harry knew he was better after he met this mesmerising woman. She was his breath and if she ever left him, he'd literally die because Bella was his world and Daniel, as cliche as this sounds, is his sun and he was trying to grasp onto them as tightly as possible.

And finally little Daniel blew out the candle and they all hollered and whistled and Bella and Harry kissed Daniels cheeks and they both even shared a peck.

In this moment they whispered, "I love you." So quiet that only they could hear it. And in this moment, they knew this was just the beginning of the incredible and beautiful journey they were about to experience with one another.



It's a v short last epilogue but it was suppose to be and I hope you enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing this entire story and it helped me develop myself into the person I am right now. So I thank everyone that stayed with me and read and commented and voted and took the time from their daily lives to read Ink. I'm blessed to have readers like you and you don't even understand how grateful I am (:

I hope you take the chance to read my other stories I am working on for the time being. And once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart, lovelies.

With much love,

S x

Twitter: loverstylesxx

Vine: haroldme

Tumblr: haroldmex

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