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Both Bella and I leave the small room and see Malik outside, boxes on the counter next to the door. He looks up at me, nodding his head. "Got 'em." He breathes out. "Perfect. Lou should be here in a few." Zayn nods and starts bringing in the boxes of ink to the tattooing room. I turn to Bella, her flush cheeks and wild eyes, vibrant. Always so beautiful. I study her features. She smiles at me sheepishly. "So, tell me. What's gonna happen.." I nod and bring her closer to me. I need her comfort now. More than ever. This is where everything goes down.

I look at her anxious face. "Well...When Louis arrives, we're gonna discuss how we'll get her to come--trap her I suppose." She nods and blinks her eyes. "And, he's going to bring two men he knows that work for the FBI--one in London and the other for Ireland." I feel a weight soon rest onto my shoulders.

It's all starting to sink in that this is a matter of life and death right now. I have to be extra cautious to keep Bella safe. Safe from April. Safe from all this bullshit. "I'm helping," She briefly states, gazing into my eyes.

"Hell no, Bella," I scoff with a breath. She was in no way in Hell going to get herself into this mess. April was already threatening to harm Bella in some way and just thinking about her hurting the girl I love makes me want to kill her even more. Bella was my everything now, and I, as a man that loves his woman, must in his every will, keep her out of harms way. Especially from April Dawn.

"Harry, I'm helping." I clench my jaw. "Bella, no. You're not going to get hurt because you want to play fighter," I slightly lash out at her, unintentionally, but how else was I suppose to get her not to fucking get involved? Her eyes fill with anger and hurt, and I'm slightly pissed at myself. Point ten for fuck up Styles.

"You're a complete asshole, Harry." She snaps at me and walks away, going into the tattooing room. I frown slightly, knowing she was agitated with me makes me feel slightly angry because either way she wasn't going to get her way. I can't involve her in this anymore than she already is, and she doesn't fucking get how much her life is at risk. More than mine. I only know one reason April was coming to mess with my life, once again, was because she wanted some type of revenge--payback, at something. If only I knew what though. I could possibly use it against her.

If only I knew.

The door opens to the store and I turn to a bright blue--eyed Lou. He grins at me crookedly and chuckles. "Harold, Harold, long time no see." I laugh at his playfulness and bring him into in embrace. Stepping back, I reply. "Yes, of course. Because a few weeks is a lifetime, might I add you've put on some pounds," I raise my brow with a smirk on my lips. Louis flips me off. "Correction. Built weight," He laughs and shakes his head. "Anyways, Styles. I brought some friends with me," He curtly nods his head towards two men that are behind him; not noticing them during our little laugh-able encounter. I nod my head at them. I take a long look at the both two. One is slightly built, his suit hugging his body surspringly tightly. Brown hair slightly shaved in a certain way, brown eyes gaze at me carefully. He politely smiles and I return it. "Nice to meet ya, names' Liam," He takes his hand out to shake and I firmly accept the gesture. Turning to the other lad, blond hair and slightly small feature makes its way into my eye sight. He certainly is less builter than Liam but I know he got his job for a reason. Blue eyes, and a bashful smile follow. "Names' Niall, how're you doin'?" I take note that his accent is a bit thicker than the other lads accent. Indicating he was the Irish one.

He takes out his hand for me to shake. Firmly grasping, I nod. "Harry, and I'm alright." I nod at them both and turn to Louis. "So I think we should start on the plan?"

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