Getting There

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I quickly stood up as I heard her voice. My hand still held hers and I saw her eyes fluttering fully open, finally meeting my green ones. I smiled softly at her. "Hey baby," I rasped lowly, kissing her hand, crouching down in front of her.

Bella's eyes watered a bit and she smiled back at me. "Hey," she croaked softly, her voice still slightly. "

"How are you feeling, love?" She nodded slowly, licking her lips. "I'm getting there.. " I just shaked my head.

"You wouldn't have been in here if it weren't for me," My eyes blurred with tears. Fuck I'm tired of crying.

Bella just shoot her head, eyes creasing, Her hand caressing my cheek. "Don't say that. I was acting like the brave one there," She chuckled softly. Her face was so, so close to mine, I could practically taste her lips. I wanted to kiss her so badly. My body was aching.

"You are brave Bella." I shakily said. "No one, and I mean no one's ever did that.. especially for me," She rested her forehead against mine, closing her eyes, I just watched the agonizing beauty in front of me. Her breathing was shallow.

"I will risk my own life for you Harry, you don't.. you don't understand that I love you so much... I would do anything.." I couldn't take it anymore. I released her hand and cupped her face, my lips falling onto hers in a soft action, sighing into the kiss, lips overfolding one another.

I deepened the kiss slightly, my tongue slipping in and Bella pulling back slighty, "We're still at the hospital," She joked breathlessly. I just let out a breath, my lips pecking hers once more and sitting on the chair.

"God. I've missed you,"

"I've been asleep for a day," She states, a small smile on her lips; still swollen from our short make out session. "A day that was pure hell for me.. " She shot me a sympathetic smile.

"I'm fine now Harry," I just grasped her hand and then a knock was heard,  a doctor walking in; clipboard in his hand and a nurse with some medical things. "Well, look who's awake," I looked at Bella to see her smiling softly. She gave a short laugh and nodded.

"Can't stay asleep forever, now." The doctor nodded with a smile.

He looked over to me, "Mr. Styles.. the fiance am I right?" I smiled nodding, then grasped her frail hand softly. "Happily yes." I looked over to Bella and clearly saw the shock written all over her face. I just shrugged.

"Might as well, Angel." She just shook her head, a faint smile on her lips.

Fuck.. I love her.

"Okay, so everything's alright.. we're just gonna have the nurse change her bandage and Miss. Blue will be able to leave in a few days after she heals just a bit," Both Bella and I nodded our heads and watched as he left the room, leaving the nurse to do her job.

I watched as she lifted the hospital dress slight to her torso, there was slight bruising around the first bandage, then she slowly peeled it off, and Bella squeezed my hand tightly.

I could hear her breathing heavily and I saw she was trying to hold in the pain. "Is there any slight pain around here?" The nurse touched areas around where the scar was visible. Bella hissed. "Right there yes." The nurse nodded.

"It's alright. Just slight bruising so don't worry," I just kept watching as the nurse cleaned the area and put a new bandage and got everything settled. After she finished, She left us both by ourselves and Bella just let out a breath of relief.

She rested her head against the pillow and gazed at me. "I heard what you said to me," I flushed; rubbing the back of my neck.

"You did didn't you?" She nodded while grinning. "I think we'll have an amazing wedding.. only because I'll be there,"

I laughed loudly. "Obviously, love. That day is about you," Her hands grabbed my face all of a sudden, her lips brushing mine. My breath faltered for a second.

"That day is about us both. Together." Every word she spoke; her lips brushed achingly against mine. I pressed my lips against hers, but not moving them, except I spoke.

"Baby, as long as you're by my side, it's always gonna be about you,"


I ended up having to lock the door because Bella was testing me sexually and I couldn't take it anymore. I had my face between her legs in minutes before anyone started to show up. Thankfully we finished in time before someone came.

Sophie and Bella's mum came first. It was quite awkward at first. But my beauty had it in her to have a civil conversation with her mum. A few tears were shed here and there and then it all calmed down. I sat by her the whole time knowing she wasn't as comfortable near her mum. I still don't know half the story but I'll have to ask her that when she's in a better condition.

Then came in Mr. Martinez which of course they were going to inform him. He was like a father to the both of us. Later came Lou and his fiance Eleanor, which was quite strange because Bella didn't really know her, but still wanted to check up and see how she was doing.

Finally everyone left and we were by ourselves.

"Harry you should go home and rest," Belle reassured me. I just shaked my head.

"No can do, baby. I'm fine." She narrowed her eyes.

"You haven't eaten a full meal all day,"
"Do I look like I'm hungry?" I retorted.

"You're a big boy and big boys need to eat." My eyes widened and I let out a loud laugh.

"Well, Missy, if you're trying to get rid of me, it's not working." Bella only frowned. I just ran my fingers through her blond soft hair. She smiled weakly.

"Rest baby," I murmured. "You need it," Her hand grabbed mine; tugging it towards her.

I stood up, brows furrowed. "Make yourself useful then, and lay with me." I grinned.

"With pleasure."

"No, no pleasuring right now... just..m'sleep," I chuckled while my body lay carefully next to hers, cautiously not to crush her frail frame. I wrapped my arm slowly above her wound and pulled her into my chest, her face nuzzling in the crook of my neck, her hand gripping my tee. "Sleep well, my love." I told her as I kissed her forehead softly, humming. She only nodded slowly, eyes fluttering in seconds. "I love you." I whispered.


I FUCKING WAKE UP TO ONE FUCKING DIRECTION RELASING A SINGLE AND ITS AMAZING???? OK WOW. Lmao  I literally listened to it over ten times and can't get over hazelnuts laugh in the end.

That was the brighter side of my morning yes. I decided to finish up this chapter and inform you all a litte. I entered Ink in the wattys this year and I really need y'alls help. Please please keep up the amazing work of commenting and voting and spread the word for this book. Tell your besties and family members and tell your cat. I really would love to win this year.


Sorry lmao I had to. Alrighty that's all my lil cutie pies.

All the love x

Twitter: loverstylesxx

Vine: haroldme

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