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Chapter Song: Letters from the sky- Civil Twilight

Bella Blue

I was confused as ever. My surroundings were blurry. The sounds in the background were as blurry as my sight. They were muffled. It's like my senses were on some type of mute at this point. At this point, I wanted to scream. I wanted to scream till the point my lungs would give out. But I couldn't. I felt like everything in me was paralyzed. But it was his voice that awakened me. It was the voice of my lover that awakened every part of my body. Not just his voice... but his screams.

And that's when it hit me.

She was here.

And it made tears swell up in my eyes. It made my stomach clench and flip in the most unhealthy way. I felt like I could throw up. I felt like I was giving up. My tied up hands were trembling. And when I saw Harry on the floor, crying out in pain, I choked on a sob.

"Ha-Harry.. " My voice was weak and tired... but he managed to hear. He managed to hear. And when his green dull eyes; eyes that were once vibrant and full of happiness... we're full of desperation and sadness. His eyes were soon clamped shut as a kick was thrown to his stomach. He groaned in pain and tears slipped out of his eyes.

The air left my lungs as I watched my broken lover. "Stop!" I begged. I begged whoever was hurting my beautiful broken lover. My eyes slowly looked up. And the last person I would think would be here... doing this to him was here. It was Drew. It was Drew who became a traitor to me in that split second. It was Drew that betrayed our friendship like this.

"D-Drew.. stop!" He looked down at me. Cold blue eyes bore into mine and I shivered.

He wasn't the same anymore.

He kicked Harry in the gut again and he grunted, biting his lip. A sob fell from my lips. "Drew! Fucking stop! Why are you doing this?!" I screeched. He didn't answer, all he did was grab Harry by his sweatshirt, pulling him up. Hands tied to the back; struggling.

"Let me go you fucking prick!" Harry growled. Drew only sniggered.

"I feel sorry for you Bella. You could've been with me. He's nothing."

I clench my jaw. "Fuck you," I spat. "You're the nothing here." Drew let go of Harry and came towards me. I scoot back,  Harry's voice in the distance.

"If you lay a fucking hand on her you asshole! I swear to God I'll kill you!" Drews cold blue eyes only held bitterness and I felt like I didn't know him at all. He picked me up and I struggled to get away from him. His nose nudged my cheek, inhaling. "I want you. I've always wanted you. But you were too blind to see." I whimpered.

"Get away from her!" He only ignored Harry and his hand trailed up my torso, cold flesh against my warm. His touch was making me sick. I did the only thing I was able to;  I kneed him in the groin. He groaned and fell back, holding himself. "You bitch!" His voice was strained and I used the moment to run over to Harry but to see his eyes were behind me. "Bella get behind me,"

"What, why?" I looked behind and saw a young girl, around my age perhaps, walking over us with a devious grin; twirling a gun around her finger.

I did as Harry demanded and went behind him.

My nose rested just on his shoulder, the smell of cigarettes and mint calming my nerves just a slight measurement.

But damn do I wish it was all of it.

I watched as she came towards us, her eyes were settled on me and I felt Harry's hands holding on to my shirt tightly. He was shaking but he didn't show it. He was tensing but he showed no sign of emotion.  "Ah the two love birds." She finally spoke.

"Fuck you." Harry spit. She only smirked.

"Please do." I clenched my jaw.

Who the fuck does she think she is?  Harry's girlfriend? No. Harry's crazy ex girlfriend? Yes.

"What do you want?" That's all he said. But there was a pause. Until Drew finally got a hold of himself and stood by her, eyes glued to me. His gaze was hard and I shivered.

Tears stung and I couldn't believe what everything had become. All of this. It hurt so much I thought my body could give out. There was so much pain, emotional and mental pain; dying was better than feeling this.

"I want to kill you both. Simple."

Harry chuckled dryly.

"I'm sorry but that's not gonna happen." She quirked a brow.

"Really Harry? Because if you haven't noticed, both of you are tied up and there's not one to rescue you. It's over. That's it. But hey, for my extra pleasure I'll kill Miss. Blue first... make you watch." My body tensed and so did Harry's. Drew looked panicked and he looked over to her.

"April, I thought you were just gonna kill Harry. You never said her!" His voice was extremely loud and he looked like he was about to pounce on top of her.

If he hadn't betrayed me this way I would be cheering him on.

She only rolled her eyes. "Well, I lied."

His nose flared and he stood in front of her, snatching the gun. "You said you weren't gonna fucking kill her! And you won't." Both Harry and I watched before us what was happening. Next thing we knew, Drew had the gun pointed at April's stomach and I gasped quietly.

Would he do it? 

"Don't do it Drew." Harry warned. I was surprised, and by the tone of his voice I'm sure he was too, but I knew Harry always had good intentions.

"Oh really why's that Styles?" Drew kept the gun on April's gut, not moving a muscle.

"Because you're not a killer." Drew turned around and then pointed the gun at Harry. I gasped choked on my breath.

"Drew please, he didn't do anything to you." His eyes glanced to me then to Harry.

"He did. He took you from me. And now this son of bitch is gonna pay," My mouth parted and my eyes stung with tears.

It happened all too fast. A gun shot was heard and only my piercing scream.

One of these days letters are gonna fall
From the sky telling us all to go free
But until that day I'll find a way
To let everybody know that you're coming back
You're coming back for me - Letters from the Sky

Note: whoa what do y'all think happened?  Who do you think got shot? Thoughts on this chapter?  Comment and vote all the love x

Twitter: loverstylesxx

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