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Bella and I have been in our hotel room all day. We ordered room service and ate in here. I now speak to Louis, trying to figure out what in Gods' name am I going to do. "Louis, she fucking found out where I live. She found my work. She knows about Bella. What the fuck am I suppose to do now?" I rank my hand through my hair. Bella is taking a shower in the bathroom as I speak to Lou. "Harry, calm down mate. Everything is going to be fine. I just need to contact some lads I know....and we can head back to New Hampshire." I let out a roughed sigh, and take out a cigarette, and a lighter. I walk outside of the room and take the elevator outside the hotel. "All right, and who are they?" I ask while taking a drag of the cigarette . It became a bad habit to when I'm pissed. "Their names are Niall Horan and Liam Payne. They work for the FBI and they're family friends. If we just get enough evidence, we can get her Harry. We'll catch her and put her behind bars. Just be patient." I close my eyes and throw the bud on the floor, stepping on it. "Fucking Hell. Okay, fine. But she better not get near Bella." I hear Louis sigh on the other line. I walk into the lobby and in the elevator. "She won't, Styles. Now chill. So you really love this girl?" He asks. His words cause me to feel all flustered. I smile sheepishly. "Yes, very much." I hear him chuckle. "Ah, finally you're in love, and with a sane person." I shake my head. "She doesn't keep me sane all the time." I smirk. I finally make it to our room and slide the key to get inside. I nearly drop my phone when I see Bella just in a small towel barely covering up her beautiful body. My mouth goes dry and I feel myself harden just at the sight at her. "Lou, I'm going to have to call you back." I close the line before he answers and shut the door behind me, causing Bella to get startled, holding the towel in her small hands. She turns to me and blushes. "O-oh I thought you left to get something," I stride over to her and see her flustered. I rank my eyes over her petite body frame, biting my lip. "No, I just went to take a smoke, maybe get distracted," I pause at her breast line; the chain necklace I gave her dropping in the valley of her breasts beneath the towel. Clenching my jaw, I say. "I clearly found one."

Her breath hitches and her eyes are wide. Lust smothers me whole causing all my problems to slowly slip away as I stare at the sexy girl in front of me. "Drop the towel." I rasp slowly. A small gasp leaves her parted lips. "W-what- why?" She stutters. I bite my lip, my eyes dilating. They scan her body once again, from up her legs to her eyes. Her hair is a bit wet, but still has perfect waves. Her collar bones are prominent, and her skin radiates beautifully. Fuck she's beautiful.

"Drop. The. Towel. Belle." She inhales a sharp breath. Her eyes lock with mine, but my eyes divert to her hands. She slowly unwraps the towel, it falling to the floor and pooling at her feet. Her bare body is to me.  Mine. It's all mine.

Her breasts stick out the fullness of them luscious. The peaks harden and I smirk devilishly. I see the tattoo under her right breast making its way out, the writing clear. My eyes find their way down her creamy skin. Everything was made just for me to see. For me to touch. I loved and craved it so much,that every fiber in my being clawed at the last self control.

"Touch yourself," I tell her, my voice straining. Her cheeks turn red and her eyes widen. "I-I don't-"

"I know. That's why I want you to touch yourself." I knew she was a virgin. I knew she had no experience what so ever and I was actually happy that no other man on this earth touched her the way I want to touch her. And feel her the way I'm dying to feel her. I walked over to her, taking my shirt off and tossing it to the floor. "Give me your hand." I demanded softly. Bella does as I say and gives me her small hand. I guide it to her area and watch her expression slowly. Her face turns the color of fire and she takes in ragged breaths. "H-Harry, I don't k-know what to do." She says shakily.

I stare at her eyes. "Just touch yourself, where it feels right. Here let me help you." I take her finger and bring it to her clit, causing a small gasp and moan to escape her lips. I groan quietly, feeling myself strain against my tight jeans. I glide her finger slowly, her wetness dripping onto my hand. "Fuck, you're already wet. And I'm not the one touching you." Her other hand sets on the dresser, gripping it tightly as her other hand works slowly against herself. I let her continue by herself and step back enough just to take in the sexiness of her. ", just....keep doing that," I say with breaths. I watch as her chest goes up and down, her eyes closing shut. She's almost to her high but I stop her. "I want to make you come. Lay on the bed." She does as I say and lays slowly on the bed. I sit between her thighs spreading them.

"Relax," I murmur lowly.


I lay on the soft mattress, completely bare to the man I love. He tucks his hands under my thighs and brings me close to his chest. He trails kisses in my inner thighs. I grasp onto the sheet of the bed, trying to muffle any moans wanting to escape my lips. "Bella," He breathes, with his husky voice. I look up to meet with his dark lusted eyes. "Relax, okay? You trust me right?" I nod my head, not trusting my voice. He gives me a smile and dips between my legs, his tongue flat against my center. I cry out in pleasure, my hands fisting  Harrys' hair, tugging hardly. He groans in satisfaction and continues to works his lips and tongue against me. This foreign feeling, so new, so pleasurable, I don't know how to describe it.

Harrys' fingers dig into the flesh of my thighs as I buck up my hips. I feel his smirk as he continues to work with his tongue, soon adding his finger. I gasp out with a moan, his name slipping my parted lips. "Harry," I breathe. He pumps his fingers slowly, making this all too difficult for my fragile insides to handle. The cool metal of his rings cause a different sensation to wash over me. My lower stomach clenches and I feel myself close. His tongue finds the nub, gliding over it slowly, Harrys' name coming out as a cry. I reach my high and feel Harry lick my orgasm. His eyes find mine as he stands up, his upper body hovering over mine. My chest rises and falls. He licks his lips and comes down to kiss me, the taste of myself still there. I don't hesitate to bite his bottom lip, causing him to let out a throaty moan; his hands gripping my thighs and bringing our crotches close to each others. His lips brush mine as he speaks. "Don't tease me Bella, or next time I might lose myself and fuck you till you're numb."

I hope you enjoyed! :) all the love


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