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Important Authors Note in the end Please read it x


My vision is blurry with smoke. I cannot see anything around me. My lungs fill with the toxic fumes as I try to go deeper and deeper into the house, but my feet can't carry me anymore.

The feeling of defeat rests on my shoulders. I failed them. I lost them.

I walk in further, trying to get to them,  but a pair of strong arms hold me back. I lash out, "Let go!" I shout but I only hear an evil laugh. "Tsk tsk tsk. Oh Harry." April. She comes from behind a burning wall and it falls behind her. "You lost," She says with a murderous grin. "You were too late." I cough and try to free myself, but there is no use. "You bitch! Where are they?! What did you do to them?!" She only laughs at me, brown eyes destroying every once of good in me. "You're too late Harry." And she kept on repeating those words. Over, and over till she looked over to her right. My eyes followed hers and as I saw my family laying there on the floor, fire close to them, gapsing for air, I lost it. "Let them go! I swear I'll kill you!" I boomed. She only smirked. "No you won't Harry. Because, you still love me. I know it. No matter what I do you'll always love me." She takes out a gun and pointing it at Gemmas' direction. My eyes widen. "No! Please don't! I beg of you April! Don't-" Before I could finish my sentence, she pulls the trigger twice and I see my sister lying with her green eyes open, staring into mine, lifeless. Another trigger was pulled and mum was gone. Tears pool out of my eyes. "Mum! Gemma! April goddammit! I will fucking kill you!" She only snickers. "Say your last goodbye Harry." She then shoots my father and I watch as pools of blood make their way to my feet. 

My eyes shoot open. My body is drenched in sweat. My breathing is ragged. My vision finally is clear as I stare into green stunning eyes. "Harry," Bella breathes, she wraps her arms around my neck, bringing me to her chest. "You were screaming and, and I didn't know what to do." She sniffles. I bring my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to my body. "It was a nightmare." I mumble to myself. This nightmare. It was awful. It felt so real. I felt hopeless. I couldn't help them. I'm a failure. I failed them. "Yes, Harry it was only a dream," She runs her hands over my hair, scrapping my scalp. I feel a few tears on my bare shoulders. "Y-you kept calling out their names, I-I didn't know what or how to wake you and-"

"Bella, it's alright. I'm alright. I have you. As long as I have you, I'll be alright." She holds me tighter. "I'm sorry Harry." She says, looking down into my eyes.

Her eyes are glossy and red. I bring my hand over her cheek. "Don't be sorry, love. It's fine, I promise." She sniffles and nods, burying her face in my chest. "What are we going to do, Harry?" She asks softly, gazing up at me, wiping her eyes.

I swallow. "I don't know, Bella. I don't, and that terrifies me. It terrifies me that she'll get you and take you away from me. You're all I have now. I don't have anyone anymore." I lost all composure and started to break down. Tears, fucking tears wash out of my eyes and my vision is blurry. This is what it came to. Breaking down like a goddamn pussy in front of the girl I was suppose to be strong for. I was suppose to be strong for the both of us, but here am I, crying. "Shh, Harry. It's going to be okay," She promises. She sits on my lap, wiping my tears and bringing my face close to hers. "You have me Harry. That's all that matters okay? I'm not going anywhere. You're my home now." She whispers.

I'm her home. She's my home. That's all that matters now.

I nod my head and reach for her lips, closing my wet eyes. I sigh in the kiss as her lips close around mine perfectly. The kiss isn't heated, but I wanted to feel whole again, from this terrible nightmare.

My arms pull her body ever so closely, her fingers knotting in my unruly wavy hair. "I love you," I breathe. "Please," I beg. "Say it," My forehead touches hers, our breathing heavy. "I love you, Harry." I feel a certain kind of relief wash over me, the words, those three fucking words still as breath taking as the girl in front of me.


My phone rings in the middle of the day. "Hello?" I answer. Bella walks over to me, her chin resting on my chest. I kiss her nose and she smiles. "Harry,"


"Yes, did you find anything?"

"Harry, I..." I scrunch my brows together, worry flooding throug my body. "Zayn, what the fuck is going on mate?" I hear him let out a breath. "Harry it's the parlor." My jaw clenches. "What in Gods' name is going on, spit it out Zayn!" I shout and Bella flinches.

"Harry, it's damaged as fuck. The windows are shattered. The bar is fucked up, the cups and booze all over. The...piano...."

"No," My heart drops to my stomach. Everything but the piano. That was the only thing that survived the fire. She can do whatever she wanted with the parlor, fucking hell but not the goddamned piano.

"Harry, I think-"

"I'll be over there in a few hours."


Hellow loves! Okay i really need to say something. I really need you guys to at least give me some kind of boost....confidence boost because i feel like you guys dont enjoy the story and i want you all to like it and enjoy it. So please fill free to comment what you think so i can improve it. It makes me happy that you guys comment. Vote for the chapter you like, anything but please something because i feel like i dont get enough attention from you guys when i take time from my studying and social life for my stories. Dont get me wrong ,i love updating all the time and writing because its a part of me that inflicts on my reality. But please, is it asking for too much from you guys? Im sorry if i sound pushy and bitchy but im serious.

And here is a birthday thing for the one and only person that inspired this story. Happy birthday Harry! I love you dearly and as sad as i am to say it i wish you were still the 16 year old boy that worked at a bakery but its alright because i love you now as much as i loved you four years ago. Once again happy birthday harry and enjoy your day :) ❤

All the love x


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