I follow rivers

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Oh I beg you, can I follow?
Oh I ask you, why not always?
Be the ocean, where I unravel
Be my only, be the water where I'm wading

Katya's POV

"Miss, you can't pass..."

Her face was bruised and swollen, she was in a pool of blood that covered her from head to toe and her eyelids were weakly open.


"Hey, hey, here I am," I said, holding her hand, "Everything will be fine, Noodles; we will go to the hospital when they're going to take care of you, and Alaska will be angry for making her pass the fright of her life, but it doesn't matter because, in the end, she will kiss you and thank satan because you are fine," I started babbling while a weak smile was formed on her face, "Shit, Sharon; don't you dare to die."

Her smile disappeared, and her black eyes looked at me for a few moments, as if she were analyzing everything I was feeling at that very moment.

"Where were you?"

I was speechless, feeling as the tears kept coming out without control, sliding down my cheeks until getting lost in the black jumpsuit that Aquaria had created especially for me that night.

"Trixie's graduation party..."

"So sisters before girls, uh?"

"Sharon, no..."

"You may spare it, I don't want to see you. I don't want the last person I see before I die to be a traitor who preferred a girl before her family," she muttered with a sad look, "I thought you were better than that."

My heart broke into a thousand pieces, listening to her words and a feeling of anxiety began to form in my chest as I felt the air was running out. Her look of dislike was evident; while turning around, I could see Trixie running away in the middle of everyone with her suitcases in hand without even saying goodbye.

"Violet was right," Sharon muttered with her eyes slightly open, "Everything was your fault."

"Katya, Katya, wake up!" They screamed, and I could find Aquaria's worried look, "Bri, go for Alaska."

The other girl nodded with concern before quickly nodding to get lost in search of Alaska.

The nightmares had become recurrent; the only difference is that they were getting worse.

I don't remember exactly when started, but I was almost sure it was sometime after my breakup with Violet because her words appeared in all my dreams. In every dream, I could see my sister die again and again, Trixie leaving, and my life crumbling little by little even though in real life everything seemed to be wonderful. It was curious how after a long time, all this had begun to affect me. When Sharon died, things became complicated and of course, it was a huge impact on my life, but the truth was that I never reached the point of having nightmares and anxiety attacks in broad daylight.

"Katya," Alaska said, sitting in front of me to try to get my attention, "Come on, it was all a nightmare. Try to breathe, concentrate."

"It was my fault, it was all my fault," I babbled with my eyes clouded by the tears that had begun to form in my eyes, "Sharon died because of me. I should never have left her alone; it was my fault."

Alaska sighed heavily before looking at the twins, who only stared at the scene with concern.

"I got this."


"No. Just go to the other room, no listening behind the door."

The two girls just nodded, and Brianna came up to me to hug me and leave a kiss on my cheek before going out with her sister, who was waiting for her.

The one that got away.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now