Only you

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Once upon a time we had it all
Somewhere down the line we went and lost it
One brick at a time we watched it fall
I'm broken here tonight and darling, no one else can fix me
Only you, only you

Trixie's POV

I still didn't know what to do.

I was looking at my reflection in the mirror. Straightened hair, a tight, pink skirt, and a yellow top, it was as if I was watching an old version of mine with all those pastel colors and impeccable makeup.

But I didn't feel like this old version.

Still, I went out trying not to make a noise, only to find Sam watching me from the kitchen while eating a bag of chips with something that seemed to be chocolate.

"Why are you eating this? You've been less than two months, and you already have pregnant cravings," I joked as I put away some hair that got in her face.

"What are you talking about? That is not a pregnancy craving; it's my everyday dinner for the last five years," she smiled, showing me her chocolate-stained teeth, "Where are you going?"

"Uh, Alaska and I are going to watch a movie..."

"You are a terrible liar; I thought we swore not to lie to each other."

I sighed before seeing her in the eyes.

"I'm going to see Katya," I smiled, seeing her make a funny movement with her eyebrows.

"And for that, you're dressed as if you were going to a catwalk?"

"We're going to meet at dark night," I said before kissing her on the nose, "But I must leave because I don't want to leave her waiting. Don't sleep late; I love you."

We said goodbye, and I left quickly to meet my uber.

I was fucking nervous, and the driver playing love songs didn't help me at all. Katya hadn't given me many details, but I knew it wasn't great; I could hear it in the way her voice trembled when she spoke or as she went around the subject. She didn't even tell me if she would go alone, maybe Violet would also go, and I was already making ideas in my head.

Without realizing it, I was already entering the place in just a matter of minutes. There were many people because it was Saturday, although in this place there was always a sea of boys.

I went to the bar to order a drink and send a message to Katya to let her know that I was already here, but it wasn't replied.

After desperately taking two shots of something that seemed to be vodka, I let myself go unconsciously into the middle of that dance floor full of sweaty teenagers, smiling at the familiarity of the place for a moment.

Dancing with your silhouette in the places that we met
Ooh, tryna find you in the moon

I took one last look at the colorful lights before closing my eyes, feeling how the rhythm of the music made me move my hips and my whole body, slightly bumping into the people around me.

Paris never feels the same, when the streets all call your name
Ooh, so I hide in crowded rooms

The smell of alcohol and something that seemed to be sweat combined with cheap perfumes flooded my nostrils, moving me to memories in this place; memories with my friends and with Katya.


I smiled like a moron when I remembered her eyes, the way her blonde hair moved back and forth when she danced, and how her red lips used to mark my body with kisses.

The one that got away.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now