Never tear us apart

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Don't ask me
What you know is true
Don't have to tell you
I love your precious heart

TW: abortion.

Trixie's POV

I was about to go to bed when I experienced the strangest sensation in the world: I wanted a glass of chocolate milk with all my soul.

I decided to ignore it and go to sleep. I turned off the lights and got into the sheets when my stomach started sounding again. I guess it wouldn't hurt: just a glass.

As I was about to go down the stairs, I heard something that forced me to stay.

"We can call her Alice if she's a girl; she's my favorite twilight character," Aquaria said with illusion.

I was aware that the girl had stayed to sleep tonight because my mom had gone out and wouldn't arrive until the next morning. But I was surprised that they were speaking of Sam's baby; she still didn't tell me what she wanted to do, and I didn't really think she wanted to keep it.

"Don't name it; you'll get attached."

"Sam, please. I told you I would respect your decision, but think about it for a second. I can stop studying and would work for you, I can sell some of my designs, and I swear you two are not going to miss anything."

"Are you crazy? I don't want you to stop studying; you were admitted to the university of your dreams, and we have a plan to go to New York together," she said angrily walking back and forth, "I don't want any of that to change."

"I know, but do you think you could ever love the baby?"

Sam was silent for a couple of seconds before she sighed.

"No," she said firmly before taking her girlfriend's face, "Aquaria, I love you. And of course, I'd like to have a baby someday with you, but not now, and not like this, not when we both have a long way to go. Think about it; we are still silly little girls. What are we going to offer to a baby?"

My heart shrank at her words. I had never heard her speak with such maturity.

I expected an answer from Aquaria and finally arrived after a long time.

"All right," she answered before hugging the blonde.

I no longer wanted that glass of milk.


"Trixie?" Someone knocked on the door.

I turned around to find Sam with wet hair and a pink brush in hand.

"Brush my hair?"

I nodded with a smile. The girl gave it back to me and sat in front of my big bed.

I knew that today was sentimental because it was the day when the abortion is going to be done. In a few more hours, Patricia and Aquaria would come for us to take us to the place, and the poor girl was shaking about it. Sam had been firm with her decision, and so she was when she told dad what happened; Sure, he wasn't proud of the circumstances of her actions, and of course, he tried to find who was the asshole who did it to kill him, but before it happened, he didn't force her to keep the baby.

Mom. Well, mom didn't know it.

But we all agreed that it wouldn't be a good choice to tell her. And it's not that we didn't want to; we all knew that if she found out, she would be able to force Sam to have it or probably send her away from here as she had done with me.

"Do you think I'm making the right decision?"

"I can't answer you that."

"Trixie, I'm afraid," she admitted with tearful eyes, "Karma can be a bitch, and I don't want God to punish me for not having this baby."

The one that got away.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now