Dancing on my own

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I'm just gonna dance all night
I'm all messed up, I'm so outta line
Stilettos on broken bottles
I'm spinning around in circles

Trixie's POV

I watched Kim straight my hair in the mirror of my room as her k-pop songs played in the background.

"I don't think it's a good idea."

"Gorgeous," she said, finishing with my hair and completely ignoring me, "And of course it's a good idea."

"I don't know anyone, and I'm just going to sit and drink while you talk to your new friend."

"Look, I promise not to leave you, but do this for me, that girl seems to be interested in us working together and you can see it as a new opportunity to make friends."

"But if it goes well, you will go, and I will not see you anymore," I said, pouting my lips, but she didn't see me; she was too busy in choosing a great outfit.

"Don't be a baby, Hannah," she replied, choosing on a purple dress, "Everything will be fine."

"You're lucky that I have nothing more to do tonight."

I sighed before I started doing my makeup with a bad feeling in my chest.

As I watched Kim over-worry, I just decided on a classic: mini dress tight, pink, and shiny with some white platforms. After all, I knew no one.

We took a taxi on the way to the place I didn't hear the name as I was too lost reading the comments on my last photo, so when we arrived, I wished I had heard before.

We were in dark night.

"What the hell...?"

"Uh?" Kim asked, looking away from her phone and holding my hand, "Come on, Naomi is already inside."

My hands and legs trembled as we walked into the midst of sweaty, screaming people. It was the same place with the smell of alcohol and sex that I was once in.

"Naomi!" screamed with excitement the Asian next to me, and at that moment, I wished I had been dead.

The table was full of people I knew.

Or that I used to know.

"Kim, you came!" The tall girl got up from the table to hug her, and then she looked at me with her eyes wide open, an expression that reflected mine.

"Oh, she's Trixie; I hope you didn't mind that she came with me."

"Trix," she smiled at me awkwardly, "Wow! How long without seeing you."

"Uh, yeah, I know," I tried to smile, "Happy birthday."

"Wait, do you know each other?" Kim looked at us, confused as the other girl just nodded.

"Thank you very much," she said sincerely before looking at the table where she was sitting minutes earlier "Come on, come on! I hope you are prepared to drink a lot tonight."

She tried to joke as we followed her, but I couldn't laugh, at least not when I saw Katya laugh with Violet on her lap.

Please, god, shoot me and get me out of this. It would hurt less than seeing the love of my life with another girl in arms.

"Uh, girls," Naomi spoke, calling everyone's attention "She's Kim, the girl I talked to you about and well, you know Trixie."

I always hated the first day of school when you had to say your name in front of everyone while they had a moment to judge you, and you could feel the stares through your skull.

The one that got away.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now