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You could have your choice of men
But I could never love again
He's the only one for me

Katya's POV

I was on my way to work with an excited Brianna as she talked about how happy she was because she had talked all night with Travis' grandson. I didn't deny it, I was very happy for her, but I couldn't concentrate entirely on her conversation, there was something that had tormented me since that weekend at Naomi's party.

It was impossible to deny the way my heart broke when I saw Trixie leave the place as tears ran all over her lovely face. One part of me wanted to run to her side to hug and kiss her until she knew she was mine again and would never take her away again. But the other part yelled at me that I should let her go, remember the damage she did to me, and that I had a new opportunity to start with Violet.

Needless to say what part won.

"And then he told me about the time he went to Paris, that must be cute, can you imagine? The two of us in front of the Eiffel tower while eating a croissant," Brianna spoke quickly and then looked at me, "Katie? Are you listening to me?"

I came out of my trance.

"Uh, I..."

I frowned before parking violently, because I had many things on my head.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?" Screamed the frightened girl, "We almost crashed!"

"Bri," she looked at me, scared, "I think I still feel things for Trixie."

Her look of fright turned into one of confusion.

"Couldn't you clear up your emotions without trying to kill us?"

"Do I like Trixie?" I asked myself before I realized the answer, "Oh my god, I like Trixie!"

I started to laugh without caring about the judging look of the little blonde next to me.

"Oh for god's sake, how could I be so stupid?" I smiled, remembering her "I don't like her, I love her!"

Brianna smiled slightly before settling into her seat again.

"I like her new pink hair, her honey-colored eyes, the way she dances, her voice, her delicious lips, her blushed cheeks..."

I turned the car on and started it again, listing the things I liked about her while Brianna looked at me amused and laughed.

"...The little freckles that adorn her shoulders, her ass, oh god, her ass!"

The girl laughed loudly as I parked in front of the studio and couldn't stop smiling.

"Katie, listen," I looked at her with a smile, "I'm glad to know you like it, I swear, and I hate to be the one to remind you of this but... What about Violet?"

My smile faded.

How could I do this to Violet?

Violet is so pretty.

No, she's gorgeous. But I can't keep fooling myself or her, the only one that has my heart is the pink-haired one with such a particular laugh.

"Oh shit, I'm a horrible person."

"No, no! You are confused, but I assure you that if you talk to her everything will go well, she needs to understand that it is the best for everyone," she smiled at me before taking my hand "Why don't we go to work? You know, to distract us."

"It seems good to me."

We took everything before going down and entering the place where I quickly set out to look for Trixie and found her sitting with a lost glance.

The one that got away.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now