Yellow cloud

875 35 48

I can see us in a small town
You count the stars up in the sky
I never thought that they could fall down
Onto your suit or on the tie

Katya's POV

"What are you doing here?"

Alaska looked at me funny before a laugh that made everyone at the airport turn to us.

"Hey, you used to love me before. I don't know if you remember."

"Alaska, what are you doing here?"

"Ugh, the same as you, stupid. I'm going to a concert in Los Angeles," she said with a smile from ear to ear as she held her bag tightly, "One of my best friends invited me."

I stared at her in disbelief for a few seconds.

I really thought I could spend a weekend with the pink-haired doll completely alone. Her concert required us to travel and stay in the hotel as well. But I, being the stupid and naive Katya that I used to be, thought I could spend time alone with her without needing to give explanations.

I was clearly wrong.

"What are you doing here?" the tall blonde with a frowning smile asked back, "I want the truth."

I opened my mouth to try to explain, but fortunately, it wasn't necessary to do so because we were interrupted.

"My two favorite people!"

Trying to hide my smile was useless when I visualized the reason why I was here.

Trixie was wearing her pink hair hidden in a blue beanie, revealing her messy braids that rested on her shoulders and a pretty white dress accompanied by a sweater of almost the same tone but a couple of larger sizes that left her tanned shoulders at my sight. She was a little tired but apparently, her whole sleepy mood faded as soon as she saw us, and a big grin formed on her face.

"Hello, you," she once said to me that she had greeted Alaska.

"Hey," I replied with a smile, "What about your wig?"

"Oh, Travis doesn't travel with us, so I could convince Kim not to use it; I guess we can go unnoticed," she suggested with a smile as she watched some of her staff arrive.

"Well, I guess we can sit together."

"Hey, no. Don't think I'll be alone the whole damn trip, especially because..." Alaska interrupted pretty angrily.

The pink-haired girl looked at her with her mouth open before looking for Dane. Who was too lost in a magazine he had bought that was barely aware of what was happening but was able to interfere.

"Oh, Alaska. You're Alaska, right?" He asked, winning everyone's attention as he started babbling, "Oh! As in looking for Alaska, I love that book; it must have been a movie instead of paper towns, don't you think so?"

All three of us looked at him, confused, which made him blush and clear his throat before continuing.

"Of course... Well, I was wondering if you'd like to sit with me. All the guys have partners for the fly, and maybe you could help me to conquer Bri; you know her very well."

The tallest girl just rolled her eyes amusing before assuring her that she would. After going through cafes and checking that everything was in order, we finally dared to board the flight, and the magic of a wig was amazing because absolutely no one recognized Trixie. Maybe flying first class also helped, but I was almost sure that I could kiss her in the middle of all those people, and absolutely nothing would happen.

The one that got away.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now