What's love got to do with it

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I've been taking on a new direction
But I have to say
I've been thinking about my own protection
It scares me to feel this way oh oh oh

Katya's POV

I opened my eyes slowly on a bed that wasn't mine only to meet the face that I missed so badly.

Her blonde eyelashes rested sweetly on her pink cheeks, and her breathing was quiet. Her hair was a disaster, and I was sure that the first thing she would do when she woke up would be to pass her fingers through it to fix it; I also knew that the second thing she would do was kiss me. Her make-up was a mess, but that didn't stop her from looking ridiculously pretty; in fact, I think it should be illegal for someone to look so good in the morning.

A little smile formed on her lips before she threatened to wake up, but instead, she just whispered my name and continued to sleep peacefully. She was having a dream about me, and that blew my head.

I could stay admiring her for a lifetime: I wanted to do it, I want her to wake up and the first thing she saw was my eyes. But instead, I could see my phone vibrating on the bedside table next to us, startling me and begging Trixie not to wake up.

Luckily, she was deep asleep.

I picked up the phone, and almost at the moment of doing so, the call cut off. It was an unknown number of which I had other missed calls as well as texts.

"Hey, I'm Pearl. Do you want me to keep a place for you?"

"Vi is looking for you; where are you?"

"Shit. She's so angry; please tell me you're coming."

"Wow, you really didn't."

I opened my eyes clumsily to see the time.

Violet's event was over, and I wasn't there.

I know I was angry with her, but it was a promise. And I knew how important it was for her. How much this had been staying in her head for the last few months, and I was aware that she really needed me by her side.

But I only had a couple of missed calls from her and several deleted messages, leaving only one that said:

"You are incredible."

I doubted very much that it was in a good way.

I got up, careful so I didn't wake up to the girl next to me to dress as fast as possible. I searched my clothes on the floor and ran to the bathroom to wash my face and try to comb my hair a little. Although it didn't help much, it didn't look as if I had been awake all night in the arms of another girl anymore.

Honestly, I didn't know if I wanted Violet not to know.

I was aware that what I did wasn't right. But in my mind, it couldn't stop appearing the different scenarios where I had tried to break up with Violet, but the dark-haired forbade me or convinced me to end in her bed. That wasn't the relationship I wanted. In fact, that wasn't a relationship.


That voice.

That stupid voice that made me nervous to hear it and that for a moment managed to calm me down.

"Hey..." I said as I came out of the bathroom, feeling my breath cut off when I saw her pretty and confused face, but she soon relaxed when she saw me.

A little smile formed on her lips as she tried to fix her hair as I had predicted, and my heart stopped for a moment when I realized that she was topless in the middle of those white sheets, looking like some piece of art. I mean, she looked so freaking beautiful.

The one that got away.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now