Hard times

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All that I want
Is to wake up fine
Tell me that I'm alright
That I ain't gonna die

Trixie's POV

"Trixie, I'm bored."

I bit my lower lip when I heard that for the fifth time.

"Okay, let's play something," I sighed as I watched the little redhead jump back and forth, "What about you, Jhonny? Want to come?"

The boy was too lost in the Barbie movie on the screen that he could only deny before continuing to watch it.

Lucy, on the other hand, pulled my hand to get me out of my bed and out into the hallway.

"Hey, I need to take my pills before we play."

The girl tilted her head with curiosity, looking at me attentively.

"Are you sick?"

Okay, how did you explain depression to a six-year-old girl?

"Something like that, but look, what do you think if while I take my pills, you hide, and then I look for you?"

The little girl nodded happily before looking for a hiding place.

Dad and Grace had gone out to dinner, and I had offered to take care of the twins; Sam was not at home to help me, and honestly, it was better because she was unbearable with the children.

After taking my medication, I finally went up in search of the girl, and after a long time of searching all over the house and the rooms, I began to worry when I couldn't find her. Something clicked in my head because the only place I was missing was Sam's, so I entered fearfully to see a little red hair on the other side of the bed.

"Lucy? Lucy, honey, I told you not to come in here..." I was silent when I saw the girl playing with a pregnancy test, "Where did you get this?"

"Oh, it's a thermometer, mom is a nurse, and she always uses this," she replied innocently before opening the drawer in front of her "Sammy has a lot of these, maybe she's also a doctor."

I put my hand to my mouth to avoid a gasp when I saw dozens of those things, but what worried me most was not the quantity but the result they all had.

They were positive.

"What happens? Are you crying because I entered without permission?" She looked at me, worried, "Excuse me, I won't do it again..."


It was her.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked as her gaze rested on the little girl beside me, "You. What the fuck did you do?"

The girl clung to my arm, scared to see that the blonde had come over with large steps and a face of wanting to kill her.

"How dare you check my things? Are you an idiot or what?" She yelled at her with anger.

The girl had started crying, so I took her in my arms before I saw Sam, who was also doing it.


I ignored her before I entered my own room, where her brother was in a deep sleep.

"Hey, calm down, please don't cry," I asked as I wiped her tears and tried to calm her down.

"Sam yelled me so awful, I was so scared," she interrupted, "And I don't like to see you crying."

"I know, I know," I sighed as I dried my own tears, only to then caress her freckled cheeks, "But I'm not going to cry anymore, and you must stop too."

The one that got away.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now