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Won't you sing me your sweet lullaby?
Just the sound of your voice is the thing that I need
Won't you sing me your sweet lullaby?
I could fall for the sound of your sweet melody

Katya's POV

"Your eyes always seemed to be the most beautiful ones in the world," I heard her say softly as I felt the wind caress my hair, "If I could have your babies, I would definitely go crazy in love if they were born with your eyes."

I got carried away, hearing her voice like a soft melody. There were some sounds around; Maybe if I tried hard enough, I could hear the bees buzzing and the butterflies fluttering around, but definitely, the sweetest sound was her sweet voice: the one who was the only one who could calm me down at this moment.

"How beautiful you are," she said before sighing. It was then that I decided to lie down in the middle of the grass, with the surprise that she was waiting for me to let me lay my head on her lap. I could hardly see her face because she was against the light, but I still knew it was her. It could only be her, "So, so pretty. You're like a goddess; you're a dream."


"Say it, Katya. Please just say it."

I sat down to finally be able to see her face despite the comfortable position I was. But I didn't regret at any time the decision I made because I could see her gorgeous face with illusion: with her cheeks blushed and her pink hair in a messy braid like the ones I loved so much. I cupped her face gently and after taking a few seconds to selfishly admire her, I finally tasted the lips that I knew belonged to me.

"I love you more than my own life."

The sunlight rushing into my room made me open my eyes in pain, making my head threatening to explode at any moment.

"Come on; it's time to get up."

I tried to adjust my eyesight to find the image of a furious woman in front of my bed. Patricia grabbed my sheets to expose me, while for the first time in years, I had to repress a bad word in front of her.

"Give me back that," I said in a hoarse voice, feeling my vocal cords hurt thanks to the zero interaction with words in the last few days.

"What do you want for breakfast? I'll be kind to you for a moment before I give you the hard talk."

"I want you to go and let me sleep until I die," I answered harshly before covering my face with a pillow.

"You don't know what you're talking about, Yekaterina," she said angrily and I could hear the pain in her voice, but I was so hurt and disappointed with the world that at that very moment that I didn't care about anything but my own misery.

"Of course I know!" I screamed as I sat down and threw the pillow I was holding against the wall, "I know it would have been much easier if I had died instead of Sharon!"

It was at that very moment that I felt the impact of her hand on my cheek.

"Don't you dare to say that again!"

An explosion of emotions was released in my chest; I realized how everything erupted inside my head. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't; I wanted to apologize, but I couldn't; I wanted to let her know how much I was suffering. But I couldn't.

So I just cried.

I cried as I had done in the last few days.

And I cried even more when she held me tightly in her arms as when I was little, like the day of my mother's funeral when everyone was too busy to pay attention to me. Just like she did whenever I felt the world crumbling in front of my eyes and I was unable to do anything about it.

The one that got away.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now