This town

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Well I used to have friends in this town, but they're gone now
I used to know the words to this song, but they're gone
How could we have strayed?
How could we have strayed?

Trixie's POV

"Is everything ready? Where's your make-up bag?" Kim sighed desperately, "Oh no, Trixie, you shouldn't drink that."

"Relax, it's just coffee."

"Honey, you were the one who wanted to become a star, not me," she mocked, taking it out of my hand "And, this can hardly be considered a coffee, did you know how much sugar does it have?"

"To be honest, I have no idea, would you mind to tell me?" I smiled playfully.

"Uh, well... A lot," she finished while she was taking my blonde wig "Come on, it's time for you to wear it."

"Ugh, it's just a flight, I really need to use it?"

"I'm afraid; unless you want Travis to kill both of us."

Travis Young owned the company where I worked. He was quite flexible but demanding at the same time.

"Come on, Hannah, it's only three hours, Val waits for us at the airport to go to your house."

"First of all, stop calling me that, I'm not the fucking Hannah Montanna," I complain while she puts me on the wig, hiding my pink hair "And second, no one told me I would stay at home, I was swore we were going to rent a room in a hotel."

"Oh my god, I forget it!" She clumsily shouted, "Your mother wanted it to be a surprise, can you act excited?"

"Excited to see my mom? Just like when I was five," I said with sarcasm as I put on sunglasses and took my bag.

"Whatever you say, superstar, it's time to leave."

We headed to the airport, and when we got there, while Kim checked our tickets and fixed our bags along with the other boys, I quickly headed for another coffee. As I was about to leave, I heard someone scream and get my attention.

"Oh my god! Dolly!"

My life had changed a lot during these last two years. I could start with the fact that people didn't know my real name, for the audience there was no Trixie or Beatrice, now it was just Dolly. No more and no less.

Kim was right to call me Hannah Montana. Travis's idea was to create a whole new alter ego where there was the perfect teenager who could be the role model for other girls. I couldn't deny it, the public loved this whole concept, being a pop princess like Britney wasn't that bad and started to get fame, but it wasn't really me, and I didn't know how long I could stand it.

"Shhh, please don't yell," I asked, trying to calm down the girls in front of me.

"I'm your number one fan, I can't believe you're Dolly," she spoke fast, ignoring my request, "Can we take a picture together?"

"Uh, yeah, sure."

The girl took out her phone and looked at me for a couple of seconds as I fixed myself for the photo.

"Don't you take off your glasses?"

"I'm sorry, sweetie, I can't, I don't have makeup," I admitted, a little embarrassed.

It was true. Travis was very specific in shaping my personal appearance; they couldn't see me gaining weight, the man hated scandals, even if they were little things like the color of my hair or the tattoo I need to hide.

The tattoo.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I'm sure you look pretty even without makeup," the girl said, making me smile.

The one that got away.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now