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Sittin' all alone
Mouth full of gum
In the driveway
My friends aren't far
In the back of my car
Lay their bodies
Where's my mind?
Where's my mind?
They'll be here pretty soon
Lookin' through my room
For the money
I'm bitin' my nails
I'm too young to go to jail
It's kinda funny
Where's my mind?
Where's my mind?
Where's my mind?
Where's my mind?
Maybe it's in the gutter
Where I left my lover
What an expensive fake
My V is for Vendetta
Thought that I'd feel better
But now I got a bellyache
Billie Eilish ~ bellyache



    My mind is empty of all thoughts. I don't want to over think and second guess what I'm about to do. I just want to do it and be done. There is just no way for me to go on another day. For the first time in a long time, I feel all the pain radiating in my chest as a sob breaks free from my throat and tears stream from my eyes. It will finally be over soon.

    I gasp as another person suddenly appears in front of me. Grey and blue eyes meeting mine in shock.

    "Sorry!" The guy apologizes, stepping back and smiling at me once again. "Oh hey, aren't you the guy from this morning?"

    I open my mouth, but I'm at a loss for words.

    "Are you crying? Everything okay?" The pale boy asks, smile slowly slipping as his happy expression turns into one of concern.

    I blink a few times, not bothering to stop the tears he's already seen. What the hell am I doing? I should just say goodbye and move on. I need to do this now if I'm going to end it all.

    "Would you mind joining me for coffee? I'm rather cold, and I don't like going to public places alone very much," he says, smiling sadly at me in a way that makes me wonder if he knows what thoughts are running through my head.

    I look past him, up at the ledge that's so close, practically calling out to me. But, when I look back at his eager, bright eyes, I find myself unable to say no. "Sure. Coffee sounds good."

Recap Over:


⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
This chapter includes mention of self harm, abuse, drugs, and mentions of suicide. If you are harming yourself in any way, getting abused, or have thoughts of suicide or overdosing, please seek help or talk to someone and remember that you are not alone even if it may feel impossible


We sit across from each other in a Starbucks, silently sipping at our coffees. His; one cream, two sugar. Mine; black. My eyes are fixated out the window, lost in thought, wondering why I hadn't just kept going. Why did this guy have the power to make me think twice? What is so great about him? So what if he's cute? A lot of people are cute, and I had no problem leaving them behind. So, why him?

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