ʇıɥsllnᙠ ǝʌo˥ lɐuɹǝʇƎ

105 7 4

How will I know if there's a path worth takin'?
Should I question every move I make?
With all I've lost, my heart is breakin'
I don't wanna make the same mistakes
(Did you ever) doubt your dream will ever come true?
(Did you ever) blame the world, but never blame you?
(I will never) try to live a lie again
I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way
Joshua Basset ~ Bet On It



"You're seriously okay with another guy making a move on your girl?!" I hear TetsuTetsu snicker from beside me suddenly...he knows I'm gay right? I mean otherwise he wouldn't have threatened me. This is just confusing now.

I turn and scowl, "She isn't even my girlfriend dumbass, she can do whatever the hell she wants."

"I think somebody's jealous," Todoroki sings, nudging me with his shoulder.

I roll my eyes, but when I look at Todoroki, I can see something flicker in his eyes. Is...Is he jealous? Is he jealous that I'm jealous? Does he not realize that I'm not jealous of that guy because he's hitting on my best friend, but rather because he's more attractive than I will ever be?

Recap Over:


⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
This chapter includes mention of self harm, abuse, drugs, and mentions of suicide. If you are harming yourself in any way, getting abused, or have thoughts of suicide or overdosing, please seek help or talk to someone and remember that you are not alone even if it may feel impossible


The three of us go to lanes, which are fairly empty, and take a seat while we wait for Uraraka to finish making a move on the shoe guy. That is, until I feel her practically zoom to my side, shivering slightly. Todoroki and TetsuTetsu look at her quizzically, along with me until I look behind her and see a large group of teenages coming in. The abundance of people probably got her very anxious. I realized that it was just Kirishima and Bakugo and their group of friends (MIDORIYA CALLING BAKUGOU BY HIS NAME?!? Also this part will only make sense if you read "You're Just A Sad Song With Nothing To Say".), ever since Kirishima almost attempted at school, those two have been dating so that's good for them. I quickly pull the nervous girl into my arms and hug her tightly, whispering a few words of assurance in her ear before looking up at the two boys who are still staring at her. I ask her if it's okay to tell them, and I feel her stiffening, looking over at them, and then nodding as she buries her face in my chest.

"Uraraka has severe anxiety and tends to panic when she feels overwhelmed in public," I explain and watch as the boys' expressions sofen and they nod in understanding.

Deciding it would be best for Uraraka, we move down to the lanes at the far side of the building, away from everyone else. Once we are away from the other teenagers, Uraraka pulls away and takes a deep breath before smiling at me in thanks and sitting to tie up her own shoes.

Before I know it we are broken into two teams, Todorki and TetsuTetsu, and then Uraraka and I, obviously. I'm about to be brutally honest, I've never bowled a day in my fucking life, and I suck at it. Every ball I roll ends up in the gutter and it's just plain embarrassing because the rest of the teams are getting strikes or at least hitting the pins! (Same bub...same. Well I have been bowling before but I could never get a single pin down...it's just sad)

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