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226 12 6

I try to keep from losin' the rest of me
I worry that I wasted the best of me on you, baby
You don't care
Said, not tryna be a nuisance, it's just urgent
Tryna make sense of loose change
Got me a war in my mind
Gotta let go of weight, can't keep what's holding me
Choose to watch
While the world break up and fall on me
All the while, I'll await my armored fate with a smile
Still wanna try, still believe in (good days)
Good days, always (good days)
Always inside (always in my mind, always in my mind, mind)
Good day living in my mind
SZA ~ Good Days



    For years now I have been so used to being awoken by nightmares and at worst times, night terrors. Those were the worst. The dreams that pulled you so far under, and showed you your worst fear; all of it feeling so realistic while you're unable to wake up. But, my dreams were filled with memories of that blue and grey eyed boy. Shouto Todoroki.

    I lift a very sore arm and press two fingers lightly to my lips. I smiled yesterday. I can't even remember the last time I was happy enough to do such a thing. It felt so great, but it hadn't lasted long. Now that I'm back in reality, back home in my shit hole life, I can see that it was all just pure luck. Something that more than likely will never happen again and I should just let it go, or else I'll allow myself to dwell and wait for something like it re-occur, knowing fully well it wouldn't.

Recap Over:


⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
This chapter includes mention of self harm, abuse, drugs, and mentions of suicide. If you are harming yourself in any way, getting abused, or have thoughts of suicide or overdosing, please seek help or talk to someone and remember that you are not alone even if it may feel impossible


    The sound of something being slammed echoes through the house, followed by an angry growl. Dominak is angry; very, very angry. My heart almost stops as I hear his feet stomp closer and closer to my room. Within seconds, the door slams open and Dominak makes it to me in two strides.

    "You lil' shit! I just got a call from your school saying you ditched and disobeyed your teacher yesterday!" Dominak yells.

    My eyes widen in fear. I had been such an idiot to think that the school wouldn't report yesterday to my parents. Did I really think I would get away with it? I just hadn't been thinking, I'd been so hurt and sad that all I could think about was just ending it. In all honesty, I didn't think I would be alive to get in shit today.

    "I- I can explain!" I cry out as Dominak takes a fist full of my hair and roughly pulls me off my bed and out of the room.

    A strangled cry rips from my throat as I'm dragged by the hair through the hallway and kitchen where my head is finally dropped and hits the cold linoleum floor. Before I can collect myself, I feel Dominak's hand grab the fabric of my shirt and pull me up to strike me. I fall once more, but this time I'm ready and immediately try to roll onto my stomach and crawl away. I think that maybe I'll get away and that he's done, but I close my eyes in fear as I feel his hand close around my ankle to yank me back and then kick me hard in the groin.

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