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163 6 17

You got me fucked up
I won't let this happen again
This the last time
You won't take advantage of my innocence
I don't believe in you (I, I don't believe that)
Disguised but I see right through (I, I seen it right through)
I've seen the devil
Yeah, I met him last night
Had conversation
Yeah, I think he's all right
Seemed kinda funny
Yeah, he's kinda my type
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Demi Lovato ~ Met Him Last Night (ft. Ariana Grande)



"Hey, you didn't come home ...so I kind got a little worried," He says, cheeks turning a slight pink.

I look down at the book in my hand and decided to do what he did to me this morning; ignore what he says and continue on. "This is really good. I'm really glad you listened to when I recommended it."

"I always listen to you..." He says softly.

I look up into his eyes and I swear I can swim in them. One is just so amazingly blue and the other is so fucking soft and mysterious and something about the way they stare through makes me feel more alive. It's giving me no possible way to hide anything from him. It's both terrifying and relieving to have someone I can't hide secrets from.

"You're the first." I sigh, handing him the book in a little bag, "I'm sorry I worried you Todoroki. I needed to come work out my hours with Mr. Torino."

Recap Over:


⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
This chapter includes mention of self harm, abuse, drugs, and mentions of suicide. If you are harming yourself in any way, getting abused, or have thoughts of suicide or overdosing, please seek help or talk to someone and remember that you are not alone even if it may feel impossible


    Right on cue, the old man hobbles down from the loft and smiles at Todoroki, offering out his hand. The two greet one another and make small talk while I gather my things and close up the shop. When I finish, Mr. Torino thanks me and says he'll see me tomorrow and with that, Todoroki and I walk out into the warm summer night air.

    "It's incredible how much you've changed in such a short time Midoriya," Todoroki starts as we walk down the pavement.

    "What do you mean?" I inquire.

    He looks up at the starry night sky, thinking about what to say, hands in pocket. He looks truly beautiful in the moonlight. Wait...that's sort of a weird thought. To call your practical guardian and friend beautiful? Not to mention, Todoroki is older than me and it's probably stupid for me to even think of him that way. However, it doesn't mean I can't just...appreciate the fact that he is an attractive person. I'm just pointing out something I haven't noticed before. It doesn't mean that I am personally attracted to him at all, just that he's attractive...right?

    "When I first met you...not to offend you of course...but you truly looked...broken. You never smiled, let alone laughed. You walked like you were defeated, your eyes didn't hold the same sparkle they do now. In just a short time I've had you away from you old home, you've come to life! I'm just really glad, that's all." He says quietly, as though he feels like he has to be careful with what he says to me.

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