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81 2 4

There's no us in us when I'm lacking trust
You wanna discuss, ugh
You disgust me
Don't make me cuss you out
Why'd you let me down?
Don't say, "Sorry" now
And thanks to you I, I can't love right
I get nice guys and villainize them
Read their texts like they're having sex right now
Scared I'll find out that it's true
And if I do then I blame you for every worst that I assume
Sabrina Carpenter ~ emails i can't send



    "I'm going to make sure you end up happy. That's a promise, Mido," Todoroki says, nuzzling my neck and making me laugh under my breath.

    "You're already doing a pretty good job," I whisper.  He pulls me in closer and I can hear his heart pounding in his chest. I smile when I realize that my heart is pounding in time with his and I lift his hand to feel. Our eyes meet and I can see the tears building up in his eyes as he smiles at me with that beautiful crooked smile. "I can't answer yet, I'm just not ready, Shoto. But, you should know that it only does this when I'm around you. I only feel this good when I'm around you. I hope that proves my feelings enough for now."

    A tear slips down his cheek and I laugh softly when he slaps it away and shakes his head, snuggling into me again. "Ugh, you're turning me into a blubbering mess, Midoriya."

    I chuckle and huddle closer to him,relishing in his warmth and the wonderful feeling of our bodies being pressed together. I know, deep down, that I truly love the man in my arms, but I just can't find it in me to say it yet. I'm scared that if I acknowledge it, something terrible will happen to pull us apart. Whether it be some unknown force or my own stupidity and problems. I will get better, and I will be better for the man I love. I will make things right and I will work until I deserve to call him mine. I'm not going to waste this second chance.

    That's a promise, Todoroki.

Recap Over:


⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
This chapter includes mention of self harm, abuse, drugs, and mentions of suicide. If you are harming yourself in any way, getting abused, or have thoughts of suicide or overdosing, please seek help or talk to someone and remember that you are not alone even if it may feel impossible


"Got a four?" Uraraka asks.

I shake my head and smile at her, "Nope, go fish."

We've been sitting in my little room playing cards for a while, because honestly, what the hell else is there to do in a hospital? I'm quite content though, sitting between Todoroki's legs as he leans back in my little cot of a bed while Uraraka is laying upside so her head is dangling off the edge and her legs are resting vertically along the wall. She's an odd one, I can't help but wonder how she's not getting dizzy from the blood rushing to her head. Girls defy logic, I swear it.

Her now boyfriend, Iida, walks in moments later and I know they were a match made in heaven, because he doesn't even question her strange position or the fact that she's singing to herself. Instead, he hands me and Todoroki our hot chocolates he's gotten from the cafeteria and plops down on the end of the bed, resting a hand on her tummy and I find it kind of cute that she doesn't even mind him mindlessly tracing his fingers along her slim figure. They're so comfortable with each other, and it makes me yearn for a time when me and Todoroki are relaxed at home, able to be like that too. Normal. I have to keep reminding myself what it is I'm working for, striving for. Normalness; Happiness.

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