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187 7 13

Been friends for a minute
So you know just what I like
You know my mind
You done seen boys come and go
So you know what makes me cry
So you just wanna treat me right
But you showed me what it means to be happy ever after
In love forever
And you gave me the key to all your love and all your pleasure
Boy I'm a treasure
Oh, be forever mine, you and I
Oh, be forever mine, boy, all the time
Mine, time
Mine, time
♫ꨄAriana Grande ~ Knew Better/Forever Boy



Luckily Monoma and his crew of jerk offs were too busy talking up some girl in the east courtyard, I managed to run inside, throw my things in my locker and get to my first class without a single beating. An accomplishment in itself, really. When the bell rings, everyone pours in and I immediately turn my gaze down and hide my face, really hoping to turn invisible so that no one would bother to try talking to me. Not that they would unless it were to say something vulgar and degrading.

Recap Over:


⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
This chapter includes mention of self harm, abuse, drugs, and mentions of suicide. If you are harming yourself in any way, getting abused, or have thoughts of suicide or overdosing, please seek help or talk to someone and remember that you are not alone even if it may feel impossible


    Mrs. Midnight comes in moments later, a very pretty girl following close behind her. She is honestly gorgeous, and I'm not one to take notice of people often. Her hair was short, with a pretty dark brown color that perfectly fades into pink tips, and the perfect pixie-type face underneath it all. Her body? Well, let's just say that all guys are noticing nothing else, but I just think from the way she's standing, she's extremely shy and uncomfortable with the attention. I don't get my hopes up that she'll be nice to me though. I'm sure she's just like every other bitch in this hell-hole. A demon hiding behind a pretty mask.

I stop staring, unlike the rest of the guys, and turn my attention to my sketchbook in front of me. I haven't really drawn in months. Almost a year? I decided that maybe I should just draw something, something that has been lingering in the back of my mind for a few days now. The pencil glides smoothly along the page, thickening in places that I apply more pressure. The scribbling noise is almost soothing and hypnotic as I get lost in the drawing.

I jump when I suddenly yanked out of my little bubble by a sugary sweet voice, "That's beautiful. You're really good."

I look back at my drawing and see that I have drawn something that makes me freeze. Two bright beautiful eyes are staring up at me, vividly real and intense looking, but there are crinkles around the outer corners, hinting the subject is smiling. I mutter what sounds like a decent enough thank you and hurry to gather my shit as the bells rings, quickly grabbing my books and dashing out the room, away from the strange pretty girl. She shouts after me, but I don't stop. My luck seems to really fucking love running out on me because as I'm running along the corridor, a rough hand suddenly grabs my shoulder and whips me around, causing me to drop my belongings and stumble into the lockers. Laughter fills the now empty halls and I see that I'm concerned by Monoma and his goons once again. Like always, I sigh in resignation.

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