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Let's set each other's lonely nights
Be each other's paradise
Need a picture for my frame
Someone to share my ring
Tell me what you wanna drink
I tell you what I got in mind
Oh I don't know your name
But I feel like that's gonna change
You ain't gotta be my lover for you to call me baby
Never been about no pressure, ain't that serious
Can we, we keep, keep each other company
Maybe we, can be, be each other's company
Oh company
Justin Bieber ~ Company



TetsuTetsu looks away and shakes his head and Todoroki just smiles at me sadly and nods, thanking me. I pull a second mug out of the cupboard and bring them over to the coffeemaker to prepare the drinks.

We all jump at the sound of the doorbell ringing after having sat in the living room in mostly awkward silence for a good twenty minutes. I immediately jump to my feet, with Todoroki right at my heel, TetsuTetsu hanging back just a little. I am so excited to have Uraraka here to kill the awkwardness, I called her earlier and I'm positive she'll pick up on it and do something. That's just how she is.

The second I open the door, a hand is reaching forward and slapping me hard across the face. I hear Todoroki gasp behind me, but in all honesty...I definitely expected it.

"Don't you even ask what that was for you jerk-butt! You scared the shit out of me! For all I knew you could have died!" Uraraka fumes, eyebrow raised and hand on hip. "You hardly talk to me all week and then you just disappear on Thursday and you don't even answer ANY of my texts or calls?! Not cool Izuku Midoriya!!"

I can hear Todoroki and TetsuTetsu snickering behind me, listening to me getting scolded like a child. With a sigh, I grab her hand and pull her in. "Missed you too, Uraraka."


⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
This chapter includes mention of self harm, abuse, drugs, and mentions of suicide. If you are harming yourself in any way, getting abused, or have thoughts of suicide or overdosing, please seek help or talk to someone and remember that you are not alone even if it may feel impossible


    Turning back to Todoroki, who is doing a horrible job of hiding the fact that he's laughing at me, I give him my best scowl, shutting the door and leading Uraraka in the living room. The second I'm sitting, she's leaping practically into my lap, sitting tucked under my arm with her legs over mine. Which is pretty normal for us actually. I sneak a little glance at Todoroki, who is sitting with almost a foot of space between us, and notice that muscle in his jaw twitch again. What is with him?

    My own body tenses when I see him scoot a little closer to TetsuTetsu. What in the actual hell?! So, it's okay that he just has fun with TetsuTetsu, then he claims to care about me (even though he doesn't know I heard him), he cuddles with me all night, just to go back an snuggle up to TetsuTetsu the man-stealing jerk?! I can feel my face reddening, but for once it's not in embarrassment. I'm just plain angry and I can tell Uraraka notices because she leaps up and starts doing her wonderful thing.

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