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Sometimes the answers aren't worth the hurt,
But I will question everything, including my worth.

Was he really that nice, or are my standards just low? 
Did everyone else have to try twice, or am I just slow?

I'm constantly chasing around my own brain, watching my sanity slip through the drain.
It's unfair how I hurt myself in these ways, how I keep searching for answers, day after day.

I should know better by now, should've learned.
And yet for solutions to things that aren't problems, I yearn.
These scenarios exist only in my head, but they find their ways to follow me to my bed
Where I lay awake fretting and questioning why?
Comparing myself to anyone I can find,
Wondering if they're just as damaged as I?

Do they also hate the face that greets them in the mirror?
Do they also run in place without ever getting nearer?
Do they also chase after words that will make things clearer?

Knowing the whole time that nothing can satisfy that ache in their mind.
That hole that can't be filled with petty words,  love, or lies.
It gets harder every day, and sometimes I wonder why I can't stop trying.
Why I'm still searching when what I want is not what I'm finding.

It's never enough.

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