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Fuck this year, fuck this fear.

fuck the politicians that got us here 

I got my diploma through a goddamned car window!

Yet you sit here and tell me not to lose hope?

I put my money, faith, and hope into a convention that got canceled!

Don't tell me I shouldn't be mad because "It could be worse.", I know! 

For too many months we have been stuck at home.

How much more time will we spend alone?

This could have been avoided as they once did with Ebola.

But the oldies voted trump and now they're getting the Rona'. 

Big business got tax breaks and now they're making big bucks

While people who work late got their social security cut

You wanted to Make America Great. 

Well hey! Look! You did it! 

If something like hell exists

Then Trump's put us in it.

His administration tear gasses children, gives them away, and locks them in cages.

So pardon my rage when he says he's a "family man" on those stages.

Screaming "take the red pill" with their MAGA hats, waving rifles.

They believe they're in the right, but they aren't, I know. 

It's a cult frame of mind and they've all joined the hive. 

They don't need the facts because they'll eat up his lies. 

What kind of man is this?

Who speaks in words that bend and twist. 

His lies are like a poison that we need to survive, 

In order to administer truth, people must open their eyes

but they'd rather stay blind, and waste others' time.

And that reality might be fine for others, but I won't let it be mine.

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