[6] the theory of great balls of fire

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\\ and in the air

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\\ and in the air

are the fireflies

our only light in paradise

we'll show the world

they were wrong

and teach them all

to sing along \\

nickelback - if everyone cared


"Wakey, wakey, rise and shine!" A voice interrupts my sleep.

If there's one thing that I hate more than anything, it's being woken up. I don't understand why people feel the need to pull someone out of their slumber. They wouldn't like it if I did it to them, so I don't know why they feel the need to do it to me.

"No," I murmur into my pillow, pulling my duvet further up my body. I love hotel bedding, especially at nice hotels like the one we're in just now. It's always so fluffy and soft and snuggly.

"Hm, sorry, Peach," my waker-upper replies. "But you have to get up. We're starting this morning off with Top-Gun and Back To The Future."

Subconsciously, I register that it's Kayden sitting on the edge of my bed, but his cologne and shower gel scents waft right into my nose and he smells too good to push away. "I don't wanna move," I say, my hangover starting to see the light of day.

"You don't have to!" He replies cheerily. "We're in a hotel and I have them already downloaded onto my laptop."

The pounding headache then hits me and I press my forearm to my eyes in pain before removing it and glaring at him. "Why the hell aren't you hungover? You drank way more than I did."

He shrugs, leaning back on his arms. "I never get hangovers. Well, until I drink tequila but that's a different story."

Before he can harass me any more, I throw my covers to the side and sit up. It's only when Kayden's eyes go wide that I realise I'm just wearing a t-shirt and my pants, but these aren't just any pants, oh no. These are my one and only pair of thongs. Jesus Christ. Fuck my life.

With a gasp, I stand up and pull my t-shirt down as far as it will go and try not to focus on the fact that I know he's still staring at my arse. How do I manage to get myself into these situations?

I quickly grab an outfit from my suitcase on the floor where it was dumped last night in my drunken state. We didn't make it back to the hotel until 3 am and we were all absolutely pissed. The bus back here was an eventful one, to say the least.

I pick up some sweats and my Kodaline concert tee before rushing into the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind me.

Oh. My. God.

The Theory of KaydenWhere stories live. Discover now