[8] the theory of the kidnapping scare

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\\ that girl makes me wanna be a better man

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\\ that girl makes me wanna be a better man

yeah and should she see fit

gonna treat her like a real man can

she's fearless, she's free

she is a real live wire

and that girl

she's got me feeling so much better \\

paolo nutini - better man


"Come on, Kade," Theo smirks from opposite me. "Why don't you tell me what's really going down between you and Taysie? It's only us here."

I shake my head for the fiftieth time today. "I swear there is nothing going on. Now, fuck off. I'm on a roll here." I hold up my PlayStation controller as if to illustrate the fact.

"You're playing Assassin's Creed," he states. "The first one. You've completed it, like, five times already. Pause it and talk."

I do actually pause it and turn to him because if I didn't, he'd do something really fucking annoying like pulling out the plug or something. "I've told you everything. I don't know what more you want. Yeah, we fell asleep after watching a movie and Ella automatically assumed we'd fucked or something. Nothing happened. We slept on separate sides of the bed. We didn't touch at all."

He lets out a sigh as he relaxes further into his seat. "Remember when we used to tell each other everything?"

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Yeah, when we were twelve."

"You're such a pain in the ass," he groans. "Let's start small. Do you think she's attractive?"

"This is a trick question right?" I say, unpausing the game, continuing my killing streak. "You're gonna call me up if I say no."

Clearly, the answer to his question is yes and he knows it. He knows that I find her more attractive than any girl I've ever laid eyes on, but that's not something I'm about to admit out loud, especially not right now. No way.

Not only is she absolutely stunning, but she also manages to wind me up like nobody has ever done before. She knows exactly what buttons to press.

And it's bloody terrifying.

"Kade?" Theo prompts, pulling me out of my thoughts just as I kill another guy.

I just give him a half-hearted shrug of my shoulder. "I dunno. I guess so."

"Fuck off," he laughs. "You're so deep in denial it's ridiculous. Admit it, Kade. You think she's hot."

Yes. Yes, I do. "Hmm."

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