[29] the theory of kids theme tunes

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\\ i could sing you a song

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\\ i could sing you a song

but i don't think words can express your beauty

it's singing to me

how the hell did we end up like this?

you bring out the best in me

i fell in love from the moment we kissed

since then we've been history \\

sleeping with sirens - james dean & audrey hepburn


I wake up this morning to find Taysie already awake, texting someone, the duvet pulled up to her shoulders. I reach out and grab the phone out of her hand, locking it and throwing it down to the bottom of the bed. Whoever she's texting can wait until later. Right now, she's mine.

"Morning, beautiful," I smile at her as she lies back down beside me on her side, thankfully not caring that I interrupted her conversation.

"Good morning," she grins, trailing a finger down my jaw. How the fuck did I get so lucky?

I cup the back of her neck and bring our lips together, the same instant warmth filling me just like every time I kiss her. It feels a bit like home.

"Ba-abe," she drawls as we pull apart. I roll onto my back, bringing her with my so that her head is resting on my chest.

"That's me," I reply, running my hand through her hair. I definitely shouldn't love her calling me that so much. "What's up?"

"Nothing," she smiles cheekily up at me. "I just wanted to tell you that I love you."

I press a kiss to the top of her head. "And I love you. So much."

"Can I run something by you?" She says after a couple of seconds of her running her fingers down the lines of my muscles of my stomach. Instantly, I'm glad of all the hours Xander has had me in the gym since he was old enough to go. It's worth every second if she continues to love my body the way she does.

I nod. "Yeah, of course."

"Well, you know how I really don't want to go to uni next year?" She sighs, her hand creeping up my body to rest on my chest.


"Well, I'm starting to think that that's because I can just go to college and still learn all I need to. Also, I don't want to live at home or well, Scotland at all," she starts. "I've always loved London and the south. Ever since Nate moved, I've wanted to be down there, too. I miss him all the time when we're apart. We've always been really close."

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