[17] the theory of going hard

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\\ it's just a waste of time

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\\ it's just a waste of time

what use is it to you

what's on my mind

it ain't coming out

we're not going anywhere

so why can't i tell that that i care \\

avril lavigne - things i'll never say


"Teams of two!" Mason announces as we walk through the front door of the go-karting place. "I call Mini-Nate."

Nate shakes his head. "No way. That's not fair. You two drive like insane people."

"I'll take Peach," Kayden says, his eyes glinting with mischief as he glances across at me. "Even up the playing field a little."

Aiden scoffs and sends him a look of disbelief Wait, is Kayden making this up so he can be my partner? What the hell? "Mate, you're-"

"An extremely safe driver," Kayden finishes off with a glare to his bandmate.

Nate looks between them in confusion before composing himself. "Right, whatever. Lovebirds can go together. I call Els. Everyone else, pair up."

Kayden grabs my arm and pulls me to the side, just as everyone else splits off into their twos. I give him a deadpan look and cross my arms. "You're not a safe driver, are you?"

He shakes his head. "Not in the legal sense, no, but I've never caused an accident, so I don't see the problem. Not that any of my boring ass mates see that, but still. Now, let's talk strategy."

"What are you thinking? Because we need to win," I tell him straight. "I can't lose to El and Nate. No way."

"Well, winning is always the idea," he nods. "I didn't get into this stupid suit to lose. We've got to play it well. Trick them all. First lap, full throttle, floor it. I'll stay back a little make it seem like I'm shit. Then, I'll work my way forward slowly and we'll finish in first and second. Sounds good?"

I nod, tapping my lip with my finger a couple of times. "Staying in front the whole way with Mase on my tail might be hard and Nate's ruthless, so beware."

He just shrugs as he runs a hand through his hair, his helmet tucked under his arm in a way that makes it look effortless. God, he's stunning. Even just looking at him right now makes me want to jump him. "You know their weaknesses," his voice snaps me out my thoughts, thankfully before they become a bit more explicit. "Use it to your advantage. I know all of Theo's, Aiden's and Noah's as well, so we're sorted, okay, Peach?"

The Theory of KaydenWhere stories live. Discover now