the theory of noah

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\\ i'm sorry if i seem uninterested

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\\ i'm sorry if i seem uninterested

or i'm not listenin' or i'm indifferent

truly i ain't got no business here

but since my friends are here

i just came to kick it

but really i would rather be at home all by myself

not in this room \\

alessia cara - here


I need to get out of here. It's just too much.

Ever since I was invited to this damn party, I knew it was going to be hell. I don't do well in social situations. I'm the biggest introvert going. I can't do small talk. I can't pretend to be happy when I'd rather be doing something else. I can't be like the rest of my friends.

I've been nursing the same beer since 7. It's now 9 and it's warm and gross but there's some couple making out against the fridge and I'm not interrupting them. No way.

With a sigh to myself, I leave the living room where Kyle, Chloe, Ella and Kyle are in the middle of a game of Cards Against Humanity. Taysie is nowhere to be seen. She's probably off being the social butterfly that she is. She's always saying that she loves her own company but when it comes to it, you'd think she had a degree in talking to people.

I head out the front door and take a seat on the front step, breathing in the fresh air. I live for moments that I can have to myself. I love my friends, I do, but sometimes I drown in their enthusiasm and, well, all around loudness.

Except my plan is completely shot when four guys appear at the bottom of the driveway. Four very unmistakable guys who I know for a fact don't like any quiet time. Four guys who go by the name of Before The Chaos.

Yup, bang goes my me time.

"Hey, Emily, right?" One of them asks.

I look up to find Kayden Forrester grinning down at me. He's Taysie's boyfriend and an all-round people person. He's not their lead singer because he's shy.

I stand up with a smile. "Um, yeah."

We've never actually met in real life. There was a brief introduction over Facetime once their summer tour ended and Taysie was staying with him, but I didn't expect him to recognise me.

"Well, it's nice to meet you in the flesh," he laughs, placing a hand on my arm. "This is Aiden, Noah and Theo." He introduces each of his bandmates. "Guys, this is Emily, one of Tay and El's friends."

"Hey," I smile at them.

Theo and Aiden give me their own version of a greeting but Noah cocks his head at me. "Why are you out here?"

I shrug in response. "Parties really aren't my scene."

He shakes his head. "Nah, that's not true. Parties are everyone's scene. You just haven't partied with us before."

"Really?" I ask him. "Because I don't think that's quite true."

"No, it is," he insists, shrugging a shoulder, tucking his hands into his denim jacket. "Let me guess, you hate the whole 'house full of strangers' thing, you hate being coerced into small talk and therefore, you hate pretending to be enjoying yourself."

Am I that much of an open book? What the hell?

Noah laughs, clearly seeing the shock on my face. "I thought so." He takes a seat on the step and it's only then that I realise the other three have made their way inside. We're alone and honestly, I'm not hating the fact that I have company. I don't know what it is about him, but Noah seems like the type of guy who is ridiculously easy to get along with.

"How did you know that?" I ask him, still a little shocked. I really did think I had at least a slight poker face.

"Because, Emily," he starts and I don't miss how nice my name sounds when he says it. Or maybe I'm becoming delusional and his blue eyes have some sort of hypnosis power because honestly, his gaze is a little intense. I can't help but sit down next to him. "I'm a very real, genuine psychic."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Really?"

"Nah, not really," he shakes his head with another laugh. He's got a nice laugh. "I remember Taysie and Ella describing their friends and your hate of parties came up."

"They told you all about me?" I question curiously. What was there to say?

He nods. "Yeah. You're the one that dances, right?"

How the hell does he remember what they told him about me during the summer? Is he some kind of genius? "Um, yeah," I reply. This guy is leaving me speechless with every statement.

"What kind of dancing? I'm partial to a foxtrot, personally, but a jive or charleston comes in a close second," he nods thoughtfully and I can't help the laugh that escapes my lips. There's never a dull moment with this guy around, is there? He smiles when he sees my face. "I knew I'd be able to get you to smile. I'm somewhat a smile master."

I don't think he's lying.

"I do ballet, tap, contemporary and highland," I tell him before pausing and letting out a sigh, the smile dropping right off.

Slowly, he reaches up and places two fingers under my chin, turning my face to his. "Nah, don't frown. What's the matter?" He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and before his hand drops back to his lap.

Why does he care so much about how I'm feeling? We literally met about ten minutes ago. What the hell? "I just don't see where dance can get me. I love it so much but there are no opportunities up here for me to do anything with it."

"There are always opportunities," he shrugs, as if it's that easy. I guess it is when you live in London. "All you have to do is want to find them."

I shake my head. "Not in this crappy town, there's not."

"Then go into Glasgow. Edinburgh. Hell, come live with us in London," he says as if that isn't a crazy thing to suggest. "Your friends will always help you if you let them."

Again, an involuntary smile makes its way onto my face. "Are we friends now?"

He grins right back at me, his blue eyes lighting up as he pushes his blond hair off his forehead. "BFFs, Em. We're BFFs."

Little did I know that that statement is going to change my life in ways that I can't even begin to imagine. All because of Noah Ramone.


The Theory of Noah published now!

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