Going Up A Hill

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༶•┈⛧┈Xiao's POV┈⛧┈┈•༶

"Rise and shine, human. We need not to waste daylight." I kick Y/n's side lightly. They stir around in their sleep and roll on their back.

"5. More. Minutes." Y/n mumbles, waving at me sleepily.

"I've been giving you those for the past 30 minutes. Up. Now." I groan.

"...grrrrokay." Y/n whines, sitting up and rubbing their eyes.

I crouch down. "Um, make me almond tofu." I say a bit shyly. Why'd it come out like that.

They grin widely and get up. "Sure, after a bath though. I need one."

I nod. "Okay. Where will you find one."

They point to a lake over in the distance. "There looks okay."

I shake my head. "You are weird. We're right next to Liyue city, and you won't go in there and find an inn to bathe in?"

"Oh. Yes, I suppose I could do that instead." Y/n chuckles.

"Ohhh my."

"Okie dokie. I'll be back in a few." Y/n says, picking up their bag and taking a few steps forward.

"Wait. Since the...incident yesterday, be careful in there. Who knows if they are looking for you." I say, averting my gaze.

They hum. "Yes. I will be very quick."

With that, Y/n jogs away.

Who knows how long I'll be stuck around with this mortal. I can't get too upset over it, though. Y/n makes good almond tofu.

⭒❃.✮:▹Your POV◃:✮.❃⭒

Ya know what's weird? No one has noticed me. I mean, I did run a marathon with a lad and a floating creature yesterday, so it's not hard to see I was with them.

But whatever, I'm not complaining. This just makes my life easier. No guards, no one to stop me-

I shouldn't jinx myself.

Anyways, I managed to find an inn with a free spot to bathe. I thank the lady at the counter, and make my way in to the room. I lock the door and place my soap and towels next to the tub. I run the water and stick my hand under it, feeling the heat. I retract my arm back. "OW! HOT!"

After the tub filled up, I took off my clothes and got in.

"Ahh, so nice." I hummed.

After sitting in there for a bit, I washed up and got out. I dried myself off and put on new undergarments and the same outfit I had before. I don't have time to wash the outfit, Xiao is waiting.

Now that I think if it, he's gonna make me train, right? He said he would before.


What was the point of bathing then? Whatever, I needed one anyways.

After drying my hair the best I could, I thanked the lady again and ran outside, the bright sun reflecting off of roofs on buildings and shining in my eye.

I shield my eye. "Gosh..."

"Why hello there," A man said, shielding the sun for me with his tall stance. "The sun is bothersome, isn't it."

I look at the man, his long tied back hair swaying calmly in the slow breeze passing by. "Hi. Who are you?"

He smiled. "Call me Mr. Zhongli."

"MR. ZHONGLI!?!??!?"

He hummed. "Do you know me?"

"I dunno."

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