Time Flies

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After arriving back home, you check to see if Yenay is back. She isn't, which doesn't really matter. You enter the guest bedroom to see Xiao reading a book.

"Hey, what are you reading?" You greet him with a kind smile, then place your bag in the corner of the room.

He looks up from the pages and smiles a little. "This is from the bookshelf. I will not read that boys' fairytale stories."

You chuckle and sit down next to him. "You do you."

Xiao puts the book on the nightstand and looks at you.

"Wanna cuddle or something?" You ask.


He takes off the accessories on his shoulders before pulling you into his side, letting you comfortably rest agaisnt him.

"Tomorrow morning we'll leave," You say. "I want to travel across Liyue. There are some places I've never visited before. You don't have to come, but it'd be nice if you could."

He gives you a confused look. "Why wouldn't I come?"

You grin sheepishly. "Well, um, because it might be a hassle...and traveling gets pretty annoying sometimes...and I get annoying sometimes."

"Y/n," Xiao says sternly. You don't look at him. "We are together, are we not? That means we spend time together, yes?"


"Then I will accompany you. I will keep you safe."

"I don't need protection."

"I know that," He says. "But I will still make sure you're all right."

You smile warmly. "I'll make sure you're all right, too."

The day goes by quickly and peacefully, with just you and Xiao talking about your lives while lying in bed. But the peace is disturbed when Yenay bursts through the front door.

"I HATE EVERYBODY!" She shouts, then a crash is heard.

"That fucking..." You grumble, hopping out of bed and making your way down the hallway. "What the hell?"

She turns her head to look at you while quickly picking up pieces of a vase that fell. "Don't tell auntie."

"What the fuck!" You exclaim. "That's Moms' favorite vase! How'd you break it?!"

"I threw my shoe."


"Some old bitchless hag got mad at me when I wouldn't buy her ugly ass Jueyun Chilli," Yenay explains, face twisted angrily. "It looked all crusty, old and shit so I refused to buy it. She shouted at me, saying it was perfectly fine but I know that asshole was trying to poison me! There's crazy people in this village, I'm telling you!"

"Yeah," You glare at her. "I know."

"Anyway," Yenay stands up and kicks the rest of the glass under the couch. "What did you and Xiao do while I was gone?"

"None of your business." You say before leaving the room.

Bitch, Yenay thinks while going into the kitchen.

The day continues without much commotion. Your mother and father come home and make dinner, and also make Xiao some almond tofu. The moon shines down on Liyue and leaks through the open windows which let in the fresh, cool night air. You explained to your parents that you'll be leaving tomorrow and continuing your journey. Yenay held a sour look on her face the whole time you spoke.

Now it's about eleven at night and everyone is heading to bed. After your parents close their bedroom door, you sneak into the guest room. I don't think I'll tell them about me and Xiao's relationship anytime soon.

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