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It's getting close to night, so Xiao and I are heading back to our hotel room.

The cool air bites at my skin, and I can see the moon beginning to shine through the clouds. The lights around us shine brightly, and its just a piece of what its going to be like during the Lantern Rite.

I cannot help but feel happy.

This has been the happiest I've been in a while, actually.

I wonder how Xiao is doing. Is he feeling happy? Overwhelmed? Weirded out by me?

One glance at him and I'm unsure. He looks quite tired, probably because he had to put up with me all day. We walked for a while, searching for as much treasure as we could in the hours we had left of daylight. Xiao and I found quite a lot, actually. My bag is full, and Xiao is carrying a few unique items of all sorts. Gears, old trinkets, rusty things, basically.

Right! I should bring them to somebody who'll buy them off of us.

"Before we head inside," I say as we approach the front doors of the hotel. "Let me go find someone that'll buy these thingys."

Xiao lets me take the things out of his arms. "Now? Its getting la-"

"I got it. I'll be back soon."

Before Xiao can say anything else, I take off, careful not to drop anything.

I walk down the street, looking around for someone in mind.


"Hey there, Linlang." I greet the woman, who has her back turned.

She turns around with a smile. "Oh, hello there. What do you need, sweetie?"

I gently place down the things in my arms on the counter, then slide my bag down my shoulder. After putting my bag on the counter next to the items, I open it and start fishing out what I want her to see. "My friend and I found all sorts of things, and I was wondering if you'd like to buy some or all of these things. Some of them are antiques, I think."

Linlang grabs one trinket, examining it closely. A grin is put on her face after a moment. "Wow, truly quite the find this time, Y/n."

"Do you know what that one is?" I ask, referring to the item in her hand.

She nods while wiping some dirt off of it with a handkerchief. "Its a spyglass. If I can get this grub off, then it surely will be worth a price."

"Neat!" I grin, clipping my bag closed then pulling it over my shoulder. "I don't really want any of this stuff...so if you could take it off my hands?"

"I'd love to. I'll get all this cleaned up tonight, then let you know tomorrow morning the amount of mora I can give you for everything. Sound good?"

"Yes, that's perfect," I nod. "Have a good night."

"You too!"

Quickly, I find my way back to the hotel. Upon entering me and Xiao's room, there's a faint scent of flowers?

"Hey~" I sing, shutting the door before sliding my shoes off.

"Welcome back," Xiao mumbles. My bag slides off my shoulder onto the floor as I watch Xiao carefully place a Qingxin in a vase on the middle of the night stand. I walk over to him and catch his gaze, and he softly smiles when our eyes meet. "When we were out earlier, I found a few Qingxin and decided to pick them."

"Your favorite flower." I mumble, taking a seat on my bed.

"You remembered." he whispers.

I smile sadly. "Of course I remember..."

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