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**✿❀Your POV❀✿**

Xiao handed me a nice looking sword, and told me it is called a Skyrider Sword. He said sometime in the future we could upgrade to a more powerful and greater sword.

"You wielded a sword before, correct?" He asks, standing behind me. I nod.

"I never asked, but do you have a vision? If you do, where is it?" He asked.

I smile sheepishly. "Yeah, I do. I have a Cryo vision. It's a necklace." I pull it out from under my shirt. "I like to hide it."

"Why's that?" He said, stepping back from me.

"I dunno, I just don't want anyone to steal it I guess. I like it a lot, it was passed down through my family."

He hums.

"Am I holding this correctly, Adeptus Xiao?" I smirk, glancing at him.

"Yeah, whatever." He scoffs. "Now, I want you to swing at that." He pointed towards a small tree.

"How shall I approach it?"

"Approach it quietly, because you aren't as quick as me."

"Wow, okay." I roll my eyes playfully and do what he said. I gripped the sword in my hand and quietly stepped forwards. I lifted the sword up and took a swing at the slim thick tree, and to my surprise it cut right through the tree, and it fell to the ground with a thud. I back up and smile widely, turning to see if Xiao saw.

"Xiao! Did you see that?!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"Hm, I did. That tree was thick, though. You must have a lot of built up strength. But you lack stamina and correct posture." He concluded, tapping his chin.

"Oh," I hum, looking at the sword then at Xiao. "I guess you'll be with me for a while, huh?"

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, weak mortal."

"The names Y/n, bestie!"

"I'm not your bestie." He snarled.

"You are now. I don't make the rules." I said, twirling the sword around.

He uncrossed his arms. "You literally made rules the other day. I'm you're TRAVEL BUDDY. TRA-VEL BUD-DY."

I stop and drop my sword.

"Hey be careful with that! You'll cut yourself." Xiao stepped forwards.

"Aww, you care!" I grin.

"What? Enough, idiot. Or I'm gonna leave." Xiao grumbled.

"Stop being so mean. I care about you, ya know." I frown, picking up my sword.

"Sure." He murmured.

"Anyways," I turn around. "Let's find more things to strike. I'm all fired up now, let me use all of my strength!"

"Slow down, Y/n. If you use too much, it could take a toll on your body and you won't be able to train tomorrow. We will have rest days, but it won't be every second day." He said, grabbing my wrist.

I stop and turn to look at him. "I understand, thanks for the concern." I smile widely.

Xiao slightly flushes. "I-" he tried to protest but I skipped forwards.

"I also wanna add my Vision to my sword skills. It will make me more stronger, yeah?"

He sighs and follows me.

I approach a bigger tree than before. I raise my sword and swing it down harder than before. But this time, I add my vision powers to the mix. The tree shook before tumbling to the ground.

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