Hot Spring

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Xiao is asleep, curled up in his blanket. It seems like he's doing fine, so I'm going to leave the room for a bit. I need to meet up with Linlang right now.

Before I leave the room, I check on Xiao one last time. He's breathing softly, and the face cloth from last night has fallen on the floor. One leg is on top of the blanket while the other is tucked underneath. His hair is messy, while one hand is under the pillow and the other is lying on the side of his torso.

With a smile, I shut the door and begin to walk down the hall.


"...And I think all of this," Linlang points to the pile of things I gave her yesterday, now all cleaned up. "Should come to a price of 75 000 mora."

My jaw drops. I haven't made that much in so little time before.

"That'," I chuckle. "And you wanna buy everything here off of me?"

"If you still want me to, then yes. I'll buy them all."

I nearly faint. This is great. I nod, then watch Linlang's lips curve into a smile. She gathers the items and put them behind the counter, then grabs a bag of mora and hands it to me.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but let my excitement take control, so I pre-counted the amount of mora that I'd owe you if you were to sell all of these items to me. Such a great find, Y/n." She says.

"Oh, thank you, Linlang. I'm glad." I smile.

"I hope to see you soon, Y/n. Have a good rest of your day." Linlang nods politely.

"Yes! Take care, Linlang."

I wave her goodbye as I start to make my way down the street. Its quiet out, since its quite early in the morning and there's barely any people awake yet. The sun is just rising, peaking over the horizon of the cold ocean.

I'll let Xiao continue to sleep, so maybe I should order some breakfast for us. We haven't had the time for a full meal for a while now, so I think it would be a nice surprise to wake up to. Hopefully, he'll feel better after it.

I open the front doors and make my way to the desk. With a bright smile, I cheerfully say, "Good morning."

"Morning. What can we do for you?" The woman asks with a kind smile.

"I'd like to order some food? Is that okay this early in the morning?"

"Yes, certainly," she reaches under the counter and hands me a menu. "Take a look."

I nod before strutting over to the lounge where I take a seat on a comfortable chair. I flip open the menu, scanning my eyes down it until I see Almond Tofu. Keeping that in mind for Xiao, I look for what I might want.


I quietly open the door to me and Xiao's hotel room, careful not to wake him up. Slipping off my shoes, I also set my bag down on the floor before going to the bathroom. I glance in the mirror, looking dully at myself while tugging on my Vision.

I sigh, then quickly use the bathroom. After that, I go to sit on my bed, waiting for room service to come.

Its so quiet. Too quiet. People should be getting up and going to work now, or start doing touch ups on the Lantern Rite festivities.

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