Lights (LR: Day Two)

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"Rise and shine." Some angelic voice sings in my ear. Well, not sing, more like demand. And the voice isn't angelic at all. It's more like a husky morning voice.

"Five..." I grumble, burying my head into my pillow. "More minutes."

The blankets are yanked off me and I feel the sudden cold air attack my skin, leaving goosebumps to scatter along my legs.

"Ugh," I whine, curling my legs closer to me. "What the hell...?"

"I said rise. And. Shine!" Xiao says loudly, grabbing my ankles and pulling me from my position.

"No!" I shout, grabbing my pillow. "Help me! Stop!"

A knock at the door pauses Xiao's movements. I slip out of his grasp easily, then walk over to the door and open it.

"Good morning, Y/n!" Paimon exclaims with a wave.

"Hey, you two," You greet both Paimon and Aether, stepping aside to let them in. "What's up?"

Xiao sighs quietly, eyeing the two as they walk into the room.

"We're wondering if you'd like to come and get food with us!" Paimon smiles, floating next to Aether.

I glance at Xiao, who just shrugs at me. Thanks for the help.

"Sure!" I smile at my two friends. "Xiao and I will meet you in the lounge area."

"Splendid!" Paimon grins, then floats towards the door. After the two leave, I turn to Xiao and frown.

"What?" He asks, not sparing me a glance yet for some reason he definitely knows I'm glaring at him.

"They're not going to bite you," I say, grabbing my outfit from the desk. "Its nice to be nice."

With a roll of his eyes, he slumps down on his bed. "I don't really need anyone else."

"What was that?" I hum, heading towards the bathroom.

Xiao mumbles again but this time I ignore him purposely, heading into the bathroom.

After I get changed, I leave the bathroom and pull on my shoes. Xiao appears next to me, already fully dressed and waiting.

"You're pretty quick," I say, standing up straight. Looking into his beautiful amber-brown eyes, I fight the urge stare into them for more than a minute. With a sigh, I turn around and open the door. "Let's go, then."

We head outside into the hallway and make our way to the lounging area. We see both Paimon and Aether chatting away.

Aether's the first to notice our presence. "Hey."

"Hey," I smile. "Where are we going to go?"

"Paimon thinks we should eat at Liuli Pavilion," She says in an exciting tone of voice. "Oh, I can already taste the delicious food..."

I glance at Xiao. He silently nods, then looks away. "Okay, we can go there!"

"Yay!" Paimon squeals.


We all take a seat at a table. Xiao is on my right, while Paimon and Aether are across from us.

Paimon picks up a menu with her tiny hands, struggling holding it up since it's quite large. Aether takes the left side whole Paimon holds the right side. She thanks him with a smile.

"Hmm," I grin, glancing at Xiao. "I bet I can guess what you're going to order."

He smirks, looking into my eyes. "I bet you can."

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