You're The Only Friend I Need

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I inhale and gulp down a lump in my throat. Wiping sweat off of my forehead, I stand up straight and walk over to my sword which was carelessly tossed on the ground.

Xiao sighs. "Your moves are sloppy. Have you not taken what I taught you into consideration? Do you want to continue your journey like a weak little slug?"

"Damn!" I gasp, whipping my head in his direction. He's leaning against his polearm, which is hilariously taller than him, making him seem not serious at all. His face is unamused, and his finger taps impatiently against the pole. "Calling me a slug. Funny."

With a roll of his eyes, he straightens himself up and unsummons his polearm. "I see you need a break. So be it."

We've sparred for ten minutes, then he started teaching me a few new tricks for thirty minutes, and then we sparred again for five. Now I'm beat.

As he passes by me, he says, "And your stamina still sucks. I'm starting to wonder if this is worth it at all."

"I am improving!" I growl. "I'm just not immortal like you. I'm not an adeptus. I'm a god damn human!"

"Useless excuses," he sighs, shaking his head with crossed arms. "Do better later."

"Oh! I get it, you little shit-"

He glares at me over his shoulder, grabbing the end of his shirt with both hands.

"Sorry. Xiao. You're just saying all this stuff to me so I'll feel inclined to try harder. But in reality, I'm doing great, you're just being a-"

I watch his shirt fall to the ground. My gaze goes to his back, which is toned and pale, scattered with all kinds of different size scars.

He turns around to face me, and it takes too long for me to realize I'm staring.

"I'm being a what?" he sneers.

"No...nothing," I look away from his abs, bringing my attention to some weird ass tree nearby. "Ahah...just out in the open?" I mumble.

"Pardon me? Speak up." He says, appearing directly in front of me.

"I like your tattoos."

"Really?" he deadpans.

"Turn around."

He complies. I hesitantly bring my hand to his back, tracing the longest scar. He shudders to my cold touch.

"The longest one? That was from some psychotic demon that snuck up on me while in battle. Dragged its weapon right down without mercy." he explains quietly.

"Oh, Xiao..."

"Don't." he sighs.

I trace one that starts on his shoulder blade and goes to the back of his neck.

"Damn, I forgot about that one. It was probably one from a long time ago, when I used to..." he trails off.

"Tell me." I whisper, my breath hitting the back of his neck which makes him shudder again.

Xiao is being vulnerable with me. The most he's ever been with me so far.

"I was abandoned and alone for a long time before. I'd go through the harsh conditions of winter, and even eat the snow. As there were many snow storms during that time, branches would fall off trees and rocks would roll down the mountains while I was asleep. Even monsters would attack. That scar is probably from one of them or something."

I frown, grabbing his shoulders from behind. I engulf him in a hug, wrapping my arms around his frame. "That must have been so hard. I'm sorry."

He sighs, more irritably than sadly. "Enough feeling bad for me. Its stupid."

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