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You, Xiao and your family finish eating dinner together. While Yenay helps your mother and father put away the dishes, you discreetly hook your pinky finger with Xiao's under the table.

He glances at you, an almost undetectable smile forming on his lips. "What?" He whispers.

"Nothing." You grin.

The man knits his eyebrows together, with a small smile still on his face. Small moments like these he will cherish forever, but there is still a pit of guilt and emptiness inside, ravaging at the very bottom of Xiao's heart.

One day, he isn't very sure if he'll break, or break others around him or not. His karmic debt still bites away at him, though he is highly resilient towards its corruption, yet it can and will still effect mortals. One of the many things he worries about today is the others around him. You, for example, are always by his side now. It has been like that for months now. You did have elemental energy to protect you from his karmic debt. But now that it's gone, finding out that the Vision was a Delusion and planning on getting rid of it for your own sake, Xiao isn't sure if he should stick around any longer. Well, there is another option, but Xiao is still thinking about it.

Surely you'll understand when he brings it up. But not right now, because you seem happy and he wouldn't dare disturb that.

And he doesn't want this happiness to end. He loves being around you, but he can't bear the thought of losing you because of him. Just a little longer, he thinks, sliding his hand in yours, I'm sorry. This isn't what should've happened. But I love you, and it's hard to even think about letting you go.

A head pops out from behind the kitchen wall. "Hey, Y/n, why don't you go get the guest room ready for Adeptus Xiao. Surely you two are tired and will stay the night?" Your mother suggests.

You push Xiao's hand away and nod before standing up. "Sure! Come with me, Xiao."

He follows you to the room. You shut the door and flick the light on, then open the drawers and pull out some blankets and pillow cases.

The man watches you intently, unable to say anything. Should he tell you now?

You notice him staring out of the corner of your eye. Is something bothering him?

"Hey, Xiao." You mumble.


"Is something bothering you?"

Xiao's lips form a thin line. Of course, Y/n is getting pretty sharp lately. Why wouldn't they notice?

"Yes...but it can wait until you're available to listen."

You suppress a laugh. "Xiao, I'm always available to listen to you."

His heart flutters a little but he quickly shakes the feeling away. After clearing his throat, he says, "I appreciate it, but it's...rather a topic that needs to be discussed while sitting down."

"Okay," You nod, trying not to think of all the possible topics that he could bring up. A worried feeling bubbles inside of you as seconds of silence pass by while you finish making the bed. You sigh, running a hand down your face. "All right. You can sleep here tonight."

"Thank you."

"No problem..." You mutter, sitting on the edge of the bed that faces the wall.

Xiao notices your leg bouncing up and down. Are you stressed out? He didn't mean to make you feel that way.

He walks over to you and sits down on your left. "I can...tell you what's on my mind now, if you want."

"That'd be splendid."

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