Frozen In Time (LR: Day Three)

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Clouds roll in as the citizens of Liyue continue their hard work with the Lantern Rite. Word floats around like a boat, saying that theres a possibility that it might rain. Unexpected, and quite unfortunate. If it rains, some festivities will have to come to a halt.

But despite that possibility, people move about their day, including you and your adeptus friend.

"Do we really have to go?" Xiao grumbles, trailing behind you.

It's day three out of the five days of the Lantern Rite. You and Xiao have grown especially closer during these days, which brings you quite the comfort. Offering happiness and a different change of pace for the yaksha is what you've been trying to do, and it seems like it's paying off.

Kind of...

He continues to mumble incoherent words behind you until you heave out a sigh.

"Yes, we do," You say, folding your arms over your chest as you glance back at Xiao. "We'll see Kazuha, Aether and Paimon. Doesn't that sound nice?"

Xiao just shrugs, furrowing his eyebrows. It's been almost too easy to relax with you these past few days. No one has called out his name, no one needs his help. As odd as it feels to Xiao, he's glad he can finally take a break.

But, although he'll do anything you want to do, he does not want to go for dinner on The Crux.

Xiao glances up at the darkening sky, still slowly following behind you.

"Perhaps you can just go and I can stay in the hotel?" Xiao says in hopes you'll agree.

"Hell no! I want you to come. Like, really badly."

Xiao rolls his eyes. "But I have no purpose there."

"Me neither, but it'll be fun. Don't you want to get to know more about humans?" You ask.


"Oh my fuck."

The rest of the way to the docks is silent, besides the chattering from the citizens scurrying around. When the two of you get to the location of The Crux, there is a line of people in front of the slanted wooden board.

"Would you look at that?!" A loud voice booms from the ship. She looks like she's in charge. "So many people!"

Then you spot Kazuha, sitting on top of a wooden pole. He finds your gaze, smiles a little, and waves.

While waving back to him, you lean closer to Xiao and say, "We should've gotten here earlier."

"I'm going back to the hotel." Xiao mumbles, but as he begins to walk away you grab his arm.

"Nope. You're sticking with me." You grin, pulling him to stand next to you.

The woman suddenly hollers. "Okay, everyone aboard! Let's get this thing started!"

The bustling line moves ahead. When you and Xiao board the boat, Kazuha greets you with a kind smile.

"Hello, you two. I'm glad you made it."

"Hey!" You exclaim, looking around. The deck is clean, with dim lighting and tables everywhere. "When is dinner gonna be served?"

Kazuha chuckles lightly. "Soon. The chefs will be here with seafood," Then he pauses for a moment, before nodding his head back. "Oh, follow me."

You and Xiao follow Kazuha to a table, where you spot two familiar friends.

"Paimon! Aether!" You greet them, taking a seat across from Aether.

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