A Trip Back Home (LR: Day Five)

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It's the final day of the Lantern Rite this year and you feel quite bummed out. This means you'll have to get back to your daily routine. Commissions, training, and other things that get in your way.

And to make things even worse...

"How did you find out I'm staying here?" You sternly ask the woman in front of you.

Yenay rolls her eyes. "That isn't important. What's important is that...I'm sorry."

You nearly choke on your spit. Flabbergasted, you mutter, "What?"

Xiao watches from a distance, sitting on your bed with a frustrated frown on his face. Of course, a knock on the door again had to break the make-out sesh you and Xiao were having.

"I said I'm sorry! Don't make me say it for a third time!" She whines, pushing past you.

"I did not invite you in!" You exclaim, swinging the door shut as you turn around to glare at Yenay's back.

"What's he doing here?" She snarls, then a gasp escapes her mouth. The woman turns on her heel, her jaw dropping as she basically yells, "Don't tell me you two are sharing a room!"

"Why the hell does that matter? It doesn't concern you!"

Xiao just sighs, ears already ringing from the yelling Yenay and you are doing.

"Anyway, I'm just apologizing for the other day. Not any other time," Yenay says, crossing her arms. "After you left...I went back to the table I was sitting at and my friend began scolding me. He was angry with what I did, and then his friend, Eric, began shouting at me too!"

You listen to Yenay explain, probably yet another fake ass story, but then you notice her frown deepening. She looks genuinely hurt.

"They were so loud that basically the whole deck was watching me! And after I stormed off, I realized that...maybe that's how you felt. Embarrassed. Angry. Sad," Yenay sighs, running her hands down her face. "So I'm sorry. Really."

You stare at her in silence for a minute before chuckling quietly. "Wow, well, uh...let's see here. I'm not sure if I can believe you this time around, and-"

"You have to believe me, it's the truth!" Yenay exclaims. "And now both Eric and Junfeng don't want to talk to me until I made up with you!"

"Mm, so I'm supposed to forgive and forget?" You shake your head, glaring at Yenay.

Pitifully, Yenay nods her head a little. "I apologized three times already. And you know I mean it."

You suppress long, hard sigh. "I won't forgive, and I probably won't forget, but I will accept your apologies, and we'll go on with our lives."

"Okay..." Yenay frowns, picking at her fingers. "Y/n...?"

"What?" You groan, rolling your eyes.

"Could you maybe come back home with me? Your mother and father miss you, and want to know if you're alright.."

"I know there's a but. Why do you want me to come with you?"

"...But surely auntie will be very angry with me. God knows what she'll do. So could you maybe convince her to not ground me longer and tell her we made up from that one time? The time when I pushed you...in the water..." Yenay's voice shrinks towards the end of her explanation. She obviously feels a bit guilty, which is odd, but you just sigh and shrug your shoulders.

"What's in it for me?"

Yenay looks at you with a stubborn frown.

"Well? I'm not doing this shit for free. You hurt me, Yenay. And I want you to pay for it."

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