Story Being Rewritten

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Alright guys, sorry for not posting for a long ass time. I just got really busy with school and scripting for a YouTube series me and some friends have been working hard on. I'll be working on rewriting this series in a separate book, as well as writing a few newer ones and revamping a few of my older ones as well.

Please know that I'm still in school (I do physical not virtual) and don't get out of it until May in the least unless they hold me there for another long and dreadful month. So, based off on that information, this means I won't post as fast I did before this whole not posting thing happened. I might post once every two weeks or something like that, but it mostly depends on how fast I write and how much work my teachers decide to load onto an already stressed out teenager.

Anyways, if you want to read it then the prologue should be out by 3/01/21 since I'll be nonstop writing it tonight. If it's out already then feel free to go read it, it'll be titled 'For Her (MHA x Fem!Reader)' which isn't much different from this one's title but I'm uncreative when it comes to titles and names. Hell if you go through this story and translate the custom names I made you'll figure out that 'Akuma' just means 'Demon' in French, and 'Yami Kishi' means 'Dark Knight' in Japanese.

Anywho, I'll get to writing the prologue now. Bye my chaotic simps!


For Her... (MHA!Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now