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English Translation:


I wake up with the feeling of warmth around me, I open my eyes to see a familiar white shirt blocking my view. My face heated up went I felt Izuku's breath hitting the top of my hair and my ears, his arms were wrapped around my torso as he held me close to himself. I heard him groan and his body moves a bit. I close my eyes again, pretending to be asleep. I felt his breath hitch as he realized what he was doing. He attempted to move away from me slowly. Once I felt him get off the bed I let my eyes flutter open as if I had just woken up.

"O-Oh you're awake!" He says, his face slightly red. "What time is it?" I ask him as I sat up and yawned, covering my mouth with one hand. "Hmm, let m-me check!" he says, checking his phone. "10:23am" he reads out. "Jeez I slept in then-" I was about to continue before another yawn erupted from me. I stretched out a bit before getting out of bed, my tail unwrapping from my leg. I heard my phone ding, I grab it and look to see an unknown number with a text message. I open it to see something I wasn't expecting.



Kuro, Y/N. This is your number correct? Don't worry i'm no crazy fan or something, it's me Aizawa. The results of the exam should be in today or tomorrow. I already know your results so no need to let me know, see you soon enough.

Alright, thank you for letting me know. See you.

I turn off my screen and put my phone back on the desk. "Who was that?" he asked, I turn to him. "Just another fan messaging me on social media, don't worry about it!" I say to him with a smile. He nods, I see his eyes wonder from my face to my ears as they twitch. "You able to put em away now?" he asked. I closed my eye and tried shifting them away, "No, it's not working. I hope it's just cause I over worked my quirk." I say as I rub the back of my neck.

The smell of fresh strawberry pancakes, hash browns, eggs and bacon hit my nose. "Ohhh, I think Inko made breakfast! It smells so good! Let's go Izu!" I say my tail wagging behind me as I grab his wrist and pull him to the dining room. "Morning you two! Did you sleep well~?" she says, implying that she knows how close we were in the bed. I felt my face heat up again at the thought, "I-I slept well, thank you for m-making breakfast Inko!" I respond before changing the subject quickly so she wouldn't ask any questions.

"It's no problem sweetie! Oh, did you two hear the wolves howling last night? It's strange how close they sounded, normally they are deeper in the woods!" she points out as she dishes out food to me, Izuku and herself. "Yeaaah, they did sound pretty close last night." Izu  said with a nervous smile.

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