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English translation:


I know I'm asleep, but why does it feel as if it's actually happening?

I watched as my mother gets corrupted while protecting from my father's wraith. That's right, corrupted. Every member of the Kuro family has a very special thing about their quirks.

This special thing, is called 'Demon' or that's what my father had called it. On file it's seen as another quirk that's unidentified and unspoken of, but we know what it is.

It's not a quirk, it's not just a dark add on to our quirk. It's a demonic possession, and when it happens...we loose ourselves in our own bodies.

But as I saw her fall to her knees, her wings go from pure white to midnight black, her halo crumbles and large, sharp horns sprout from her head.

I scream out as I witnessed it, she had passed out. I look to my father who was smirking, he stomped over to me and grabbed my arm roughly. Dragging me to another room, I immediately notice the chains and various weapons.

He threw me at the wall, my back hitting it hard, he grabbed a whip from the wall and lashed it back before---


I shoot up, and scream out saying "No stop!" I look around and notice that I'm not there. I try to slow my breathing and calm down, as large and heavy tears rolled down my face.

When I finally calmed down I noticed the sun rising slowly. I stood up and wiped my face with my sleeves. 'What am I gonna do...' I thought before another memory popped into my head.


I was about 4 or 5 at the time, when my father had inrolled me to a special hero program where I and a few others were to be trained to be the best heros.

Yeah, that's right a criminal wanted a hero child. Just. So. He. Could. Get. Inside. Information. I was supposedly allowed to drop it if I wanted to, however my father wouldn't let even if I had tried.

To be honest, I wanted to be a hero. Just...not a fully fledged one at that age. There was one pro about the program, I had met two people. Touya Todoroki and Keigo Takami, they were older than me yes but they were the only other kids who made it as far as I did in the program.

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