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English Translation:


I turn around and see a tall, pale, scarred, black haired man. "Who are you and why are you here?!" I say, my feathers bushing out as if protecting the grave. "Wow, don't even recognize me huh. This might help you remember...Little Shadow." He says with a smirk. My eyes widen and feathers settle down.

"T-Touya? No I saw you die....how are you....?" I start asking questions, not even finishing every one I asked. He let out a low chuckle before squatting down in front of me, I finally got a good look at his face. "I-It really is you..." I say in disbelief before tackling him into a hug.

"You jerk! You could've told me you were alive!" I say, holding onto him tight. "Jeez you've gotten stronger! Can't say i'm surprised though, you are the great Y/N Kuro." He says with a chuckle and a small genuine smile. "There's nothing great about me...you...you almost died saving me from that building..." I say, feeling tears return to my eyes.

"Hey hey hey, don't worry! I'm okay, that's what matters right?" He says, wiping the stray tears away with his rough hands. "What happened...?" I asked, looking as the purple stapled together skin.

"Well, mother's sensitive skin and blue fire isn't the best combination." He says with a nervous chuckle. I sigh, "I swear one of these days i'm going to heal these for you." I say, slight determination sparkles around me. "I mean you can try." He says, sitting up as I sat down on the ground again.

"Well, little shadow you should probably go home. Who ever your staying with is probably worried sick that you're not back." He says, with that I realized how dark it was. The sunset was nearly fully set, "Oh shit yeah, I should get going. Do you have a phone number I can steal from you? I'd like to tell you everything you missed." I say, he nods and pulls out an old touch pad phone and hands it to me.

I quickly check the phone number and put it into my contacts under 'Burnt Toast'. I give him back his phone, "Keep in touch okay?" I say before putting my phone in my pocket and taking off towards the apartments. When I land right outside the door, the door swings open and I fall to the ground as I get tackled.

"Don't scare me like that! I thought something happened to you!" Inko says, hugging me tightly. I giggle, "Don't worry I just needed to clear my head. Training one on one with the number one hero is...very stressful." I say, sitting up Inko following my movements as we head inside.

I stretch my wings a bit, causing them to shake from the muscle tension. I see Izu coming out of his room with a slightly paniced expression on his face, but when he saw me he visibly relaxed. "Wait hold on, you were training with...All Might?!" She asks and I let out a nervous chuckle with a nod.

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