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晩ごはん(Ban gohan)

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(Ban gohan)

English Translation:


As we sat at the table conversations were brought up and talked about. I pitched in on my opinion when I understood what they meant. Then suddenly the attention was on me, "So~ Kuro~ any guys or gals you have a thing for?~" Mitsuki asks bluntly.

"I don't know just yet but maybe. I might just hold off on the romance scene until I have my redstring." I say, looking at my pinkie. Inko awed at my response, "So you want to meet 'The One' huh?" She asked.

My face heated up, "M-Maybe..." I say quietly. "Well if you don't get a string or something happens, just know that there are plenty of guys who would kill for a chance with you!" Mitsuki says confidently.

"I highly doubt that, but thanks Mitsuki." I say with a smile. We continue to talk while we wait for our food. Then the topic of quirks comes into play. "So, Kuro. What kind of quirk do you have?" Masaru asks.

"Well I have two of them. A shifting quirk and a shadow manipulation quirk." I explained before taking a sip of my drink. "Two quirks?!" Mitsuki and Masaru say in shock. I chuckle nervously, "Yeah, in a way I guess." I say the kast part under my breath.

"You must be pretty powerful then!" Masaru points out. "While that's true, it also has it's side effects. The amount of power I can control without any harm being caused to myself and others is a very small amount. If I want to be a hero then I have to learn to control the rest of this power so others wont be endangered by my presence." I explain a bit, looking at my scars along my arms.

"Woah, that's...alot." He says as he processes the information I dished out. "Ah! Sorry, I guess that got a bit too serious way to quick." I say as I rub the back of my neck with an akward smile.

It was quiet for a bit before our food came out, we all ate silently. When we finished I side glanced at my phone '7:34pm'. I internally sighed, 'Damn it, it's so awkward now...' I thought.

We sat in silence before Mitsuki breaks it, "So, is anyone up for dessert?" She asked. "Yeah, dessert sounds good." Inko replies with a sweat drop. I grab one of then dessert menus and share it with Izuku.

After everyone ordered some form of dessert the awkwardness from before was at ease and they started talking about random stuff. I kept myself out of the conversations as to not disturb anyone. 'Why do I feel as if...I can't breath...' I thought before having the earge to cough something up.

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom, careful as to not make a scene. When I got in a stall I started to cough, my face above the toilet bowl. While coughing, the world seemed to disappear.

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