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English Translation:


'That smile...why does my face warm up when I think of it?' I inwardly asked myself. It was the day after the exam, as usual Izu was out training but I was just walking around town. I look down to my outfit, checking it over.

It was sort of chilly due to the windy day the gods have provided during the normally hot summer. So I was thankful that I had a reason to wear my jean jacket along with a mid-thigh length black dress. Of course I was wearing my normal heel boots, 'Maybe I should get another pair of shoes. Just so i'm not only whereing these.' I thought to myself.

I hear fangirl screams and groan inwardly, 'Gods damn it.' I thought as I heard hurried footsteps coming towards me. I hear camera snaps and clicks as the crowd forms around me. People were shouting to be heard, "Can I get your autograph?!" "Can we get a picture with you?!" Only one comment was something that was different and got my attention as fast as lightning.

"Hawks can screw off!" A feminine voice shouted, "Who was the one who said that? Please come forward." I say. As soon as I said that, many people backed off and only one person stepped up. It was a familiar brunette girl, 'Isn't this the girl who he cheated on me with?' I ask myself.

"Thanks for going against him, but hey do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar." I ask. She nods, "We met a year ago, i'm surprised you remember me!" She says with a smile. "Would you like to walk with me? I'd like to catch up." I say with a small smile. She quickly nods.

I turn to the rest of the crowd, "Thank you all for the support you've given me! Please, if I may request to be left alone for today? I would like to chat with my old friend here." I ask and the crowd agreed and slowly dispersed.

When it was finally just me and her I turned back to her. "Can I know your name? I can't remember it at the moment if you did tell me before." I say with a very small smile. "My name is Urakaka, Ochaco. And you're Kuro, Y/N sorry i've just been a fan ever since I saw the first video I saw!" She says with slightly more pink cheeks than before.

"It's no problem, so your the one Hawks was kissing a year ago huh?" I asked, she slowly nodded. "He had told me he was single, i'm sorry." She apologized. "Don't be! It's not like you knew, he is a good liar afterall." I say with a laugh which she joined in on.

"You seem kind Urakaka, I'm sorry he did that to you." I say, rubbing the back of my neck. "Just like what you said, don't be sorry! You aren't responsible for his actions." She say with a wide smile. "Oh, by the way. I never got the chance to ask, but how long were you two together for?" She asked as we begun to walk.

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